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Together for food safety in Brazil on World Food Safety Day


Cookery Students of the "Solidarity Kitchens" programme of the non-profit organization, Gastromotiva, participated in an initiative promoted by the Pan American Center for Foot-and-Mouth Disease and Veterinary Public Health of the Pan American Health Organization (PANAFTOSA) and the World Health Organization, framed within the activities organized for World Food Safety Day, which is celebrated every 7 June.

Participants received guidelines and recommendations on good practices in food handling and correct hand hygiene to avoid cross-contamination to prevent foodborne illnesses from PANAFTOSA experts.

The activity carried out with the Gastromotiva cookery students seeks to promote and sensitize professionals who are beginning their experience in the hospitality industry about the importance of maintaining food safety and respecting the five keys to safety: maintaining cleanliness, using water and safe raw materials, separate raw from cooked foods, cook thoroughly, and keep foods at safe temperatures.

PANAFTOSA works continuously with the countries of the region to strengthen their food control systems through regulations, education, communication, surveillance, and control to achieve safe food for everyone, everywhere.


Photo © PAHO