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Benin’s food safety agency spreads the World Food Safety Day message


The Benin Food Safety Agency (ABSSA) is the competent authority responsible for organizing World Food Safety Day activities at the national level in Benin, in collaboration with international organizations.

Organizing and celebrating such a day involves communicating about food-related health risks. As such, ABSSA organized this year’s activities with the aim of raising public awareness and inspiring action to prevent, detect and manage food-borne health risks. Activities were rolled out in two phases: firstly, the activities were promoted in the media, including an official message from the Minister of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, an interview with Director-General of ABSSA on the morning show 5/7 (ORTB) and 90 minutes in Benin (Canal3), and radio games organized on three radio stations (ORTB, Cap FM and Atlantique FM).

Secondly, various World Food Safety Day celebrations were then held, including a fair of ABSSA certified food products, an “awareness caravan” and an awareness message from the authority on the theme of the day. There was also a 10 -to 15-minute video projection on food safety, a visit of the stands of the food safety fair and entertainment and games at the fairgrounds.

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Photo © ABSSA