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Students at Macau University of Science and Technology spread the knowledge on World Food Safety Day


Students at the Macau University of Science and Technology (MUST) have set about educating people about food safety by producing leaflets and videos for World Food Safety Day.

They produced two videos. In the first, they tested attitudes to food safety among young people in a food market, asking questions such as “Have you ever paid attention to the information on food packaging?”, “Do you know the meaning of the triangles and squares on plastic packaging?” and “Do you think food safety matters? What are your opinions about the current situation of food safety in society?” They also talked to primary school teachers about how food safety is important in their work.

In the second video, they interviewed various experts to find out about food poisoning, AMR and the misuse of antibiotics, intelligent packaging, detection of contaminants and how older people can ensure they eat well. In the video, we learn about some of the research being carried out at MUST, including on intelligent packaging and on making detection of contaminants faster, more sensitive and more predictable.