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Staff at Brazilian food distributor all play their part in keeping food safe on World Food Safety Day


Brazilian food marketing and distribution company Via Rovigo organized a range of activities for staff on World Food Safety Day to raise awareness about the role they play in ensuring the food they are responsible for remains safe.

Every one of 140 members of staff at the facility took part in educational question-and-answer games aimed at information sharing around food safety topics and attended a lecture on food safety by food engineer Camila Marques Rodrigues. In addition, there was a commemorative wall and special commemorative mugs were given to all staff, who toasted the celebrations and enjoyed a slice of World Food Safety Day cake.

Organizers said: “All actions on this day are aimed at drawing everyone's attention to this issue and inspiring actions aimed at to prevent, detect and manage foodborne risks as part of the Food Safety Culture Foods.”


Photo © Via Rovigo