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GFSI hosts World Food Safety Day discussion on ‘a healthy tomorrow’


Anne Gerardi, Senior Manager at the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI), held a virtual discussion with food safety experts on 7 June to mark World Food Safety Day. She spoke with Wai-Chan Chan, Managing Director at the Consumer Goods Forum (CGF), Maria Montosa, an environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) analyst at the FAIRR Initiative, and Suresh Mistry, Co-Founder and Head of ESG for Alquity.

The FAIRR Initiative is “a collaborative investor network that raises awareness of the environmental, social and governance (ESG) risks and opportunities brought about by intensive animal agriculture” and Alquity is an “asset management business that connects investors to their investments and social progress in order to deliver better financial outcomes for all.”

The event kicked off with a discussion about the World Food Safety Day theme of ‘safe food now for a healthy tomorrow,’ and an acknowledgement that the theme looks to the human, plant and animal health benefits of food safety, as well as the benefits to the environment and economies. There was also discussion about the high profile food safety will have at the Food Systems Summit later this year. Guests talked about the importance of this to their own areas of expertise.

Discussion also revolved around the value to a business of being transparent about food safety issues, and also traceability technologies.


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More on the Food Systems Summit: