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Food Safety Forum convened in Africa to support small businesses


On 15 June this year, for the second consecutive year, the Ivorian company, ICAF, which specializes in training, advice and auditing in the field of food quality and safety, convened an Africa Food Safety Forum for World Food Safety Day. The physical and virtual event held in Côte d’Ivoire’s capital, Abidjan, was aimed at sensitizing “all actors in the food chain (from farm to table) on the dangers relating to product health safety and their impact on the competitiveness of companies.”

The event was aimed particularly at small and medium sized businesses that find their growth impeded by a lack of knowledge and capacity surrounding food safety and quality standards and certification.

The event included invitees from the government and international organizations, as well as business leaders from various food-related areas including agriculture, hospitality and distribution and delivery. Representatives from certification and standardization organizations were also invited.


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