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The Singapore government uses social media to disseminate World Food Safety Day messages


Singapore Food Agency (SFA) marked World Food Safety Day in a number of ways this year, and across various media.

Minister for Sustainability and the Environment, Grace Fu, posted a message on Facebook saying: “As consumers, we expect all our food to be safe. But food can be contaminated by improper practices during production, storage, or even preparation.” She went on to explain the food safety requirements imposed on food businesses by the SFA “to ensure that food is safe for consumption”.

Other Facebook posts from the agency include a video about its risk-based food control system and a series of “food safety myths and facts”. An article about World Food Safety Day and the year’s theme, “Food standards save lives” was published on the agency website and World Food Safety Day social media gifs were posted from the SFA Instagram account.

Find out more
Read Grace Fu’s Facebook post
Watch the SFA video
Read about the SFA myths and facts
Read the SFA article on World Food Safety Day