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Nigerian food safety experts raise awareness throughout week of World Food Safety Day


The food safety training organization, HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points) Academy Nigeria (HAN) spent the week of World Food Safety Day taking their expertise to the grassroots and raising awareness about good hygiene practices in various contexts.

For seven days, HAN experts talked with producers, vendors and consumers about avoiding food safety hazards. On day one of their World Food Safety Day campaign, the team visited a farm where they advised on good practices in crop production and about the need to ensure responsible pesticide use.

Day two was spent in schools talking with students, answering questions and handing out prizes in a food safety competition. On day three, the team highlighted ways of avoiding food safety hazards in the street food market, talking with meat stall holders, fruit vendors and others about ensuring food is kept free of dirt and pests. Day four saw a visit to a religious centre and on day five HAN visited an abattoir. On day six, they conducted a food safety walk, talking with people they met on the way about food safety and food hygiene. On the last day there was a symposium and food fair.


Photo © HACCP Academy Nigeria