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codexalimentarius > WFSD-2023 > Мероприятия


Если вы планируете мероприятие в рамках Всемирного дня безопасности пищевых продуктов и хотите, чтобы оно отражалось здесь, в перечне мероприятий, отправьте электронное сообщение по адресу [email protected] с указанием названия мероприятия, даты и местного времени; добавьте краткое описание, афишу или другой рекламный материал и веб-ссылку на дополнительную информацию.

World Food Safety Day/ Codex Egypt to host event on new foods

24 July 2024
- Egypt
The Egyptian Organization for Standardization and Quality (EOS) will celebrate World Food Safety Day 2024 in the sidelines of the third for the Egyptian Codex Committee that it will be held under title “Food safety: prepare for the unexpected”  The Egyptian Codex Committee is considered, according to its structure, leadership and composition, to be a high-level committee whose main role is to provide strategic management and high-level coordination at the national, [...]

World Food Safety Day/ Poster competition for students in Argentina

20 August 2024
- Argentina
Students of the Faculty of Health Sciences of the National University of Salta, Argentina, are invited to take part in a poster competition on the subject of “Food safety is everyone’s business” or “food safety: prepare for the unexpected” Submission: 20–30 August 2024Evaluation by juries: 2–6 September 2024Award ceremony: 9 September 2024 For more information on the competition Read more World Food Safety Day events this year