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codexalimentarius > WFSD-2023 > How to participate

How to participate

The World Food Safety Day slogan is “Food safety is everyone’s business.” This is because we are all stakeholders in the food system, and we can all play a part in keeping food safe. Whether you oversee food safety systems, or grow, process, transport, store, distribute, sell, prepare, serve or even just eat food, there is something you can do to join in.

In past years, participants have inspired others with their creativity and ingenuity. No doubt this year we will see even more. Here, we provide some ideas to get you started, whether you want to hold an event or campaign to raise awareness. And while many of us are living under COVID-19 restrictions, there is usually a way to make your activity virtual.

Here are some ideas to help you plan an event for World Food Safety Day.

Organize talks and demonstrations on food safety
Invite people who grow, process, sell and/or cook food to talk about or even demonstrate what they do and how food safety is important for them. This can be in a school, workplace or community space.
To make it virtual: Video the talk or demonstration and share highlights on a social media platform. Encourage comments and discussions or even make it a social media live event so your guest, who can be from far away, can answer viewer questions.

Host a workshop or conference
Bring together food experts from different businesses, sectors or disciplines to share their expertise and discuss how food safety can be improved in your sector, school, university, community or workplace.
To make it virtual: Move the event online and make it a webinar. Now you can engage on a global level, not limited by geography or physical distance. Different easy-to-use online platforms are available for multi-participant discussion.

Get the media involved
Share food safety knowledge through radio interviews, talk shows or media briefings. Contact your local newspaper or TV station to propose coverage of food safety.

Hold an outdoor activity
Organize a run, walk, cycle ride, dance or fitness class – where possible – to publicize food safety as a key to sustaining life and promoting good health. Encouraging people to be physically active can be a good way to raise awareness about food safety in your community. (It is important to ensure that all activities are compatible and allowed under COVID-19 restrictions, where applicable.)

Run a competition
Poster or photography competitions around a theme are popular for schools, universities, in communities and in workplaces. Encourage participants to find out about food safety and visualize what they learn to pass the message on. Winning entries can be used in your public spaces to continue awareness raising on food safety.
To make it virtual: Advertise your competition through social media and collect submissions electronically. Use the hashtag #WorldFoodSafetyDay. Encourage all participants to use the posters/photos and ask the administrators of school or workplace social media accounts to disseminate the winning entry virtually.

Engage youth
Involve students in food safety activities at schools, youth centres or youth events. This way young people can learn about food safety and pass on the message that by changing simple day-to-day actions, they can avoid the perils of foodborne disease.
To make it virtual: Share educational materials, such as the WHO Five Keys to Safer Food, beforehand and move the discussion online. Encourage young people to post messages about food safety on social media to build interest among peers.

Create a photo montage
Visually document good food safety practices and make a collage or produce an exhibition that shows food safety in action.
To make it virtual: Upload your images to an online gallery. Encourage others to add to it – the result would be a comprehensive look at food safety from different perspectives.

Produce a video
Conduct an interview or record the food safety practices of a business. Research the topic so you can ask informed questions. Share the video with friends, colleagues, classmates or fellow students.
To make it virtual: Conduct an interview on a platform like Zoom and post the video on a company, school, university or community website. Alternatively, the interview can be streamed live online or a recorded tour of a food business can be posted. Encourage feedback and online discussion.

It doesn’t have to be a big affair or involve equipment, money and lots of people. Simply posting World Food Safety Day materials on social media helps spread awareness about food safety.
Use the #WorldFoodSafetyDay hashtag and share on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and other social media channels.

Collect personal stories
Document stories about food workers, farmers, health professionals or someone who has suffered a foodborne illness. Sharing experiences can help people understand just how important food safety is. The stories can be written, drawn, photographed, sung, dramatized or recorded.
To make it virtual: The stories can be shared in many ways – via blogs, podcasts, videos and various social media.

Get creative!
There are numerous ways you can learn about food safety and share your knowledge. Conduct a survey or run a quiz. Develop and act out a drama with friends, write a song or poem. The sky’s your limit!
To make it virtual: All these things can be conducted, recorded and shared online.

Public Sector

Public Sector

National governments are critical in ensuring safe and nutritious food for all. Policymakers and agencies can use the World Food Safety Day to create awareness in the public and foster collaboration among the public health, animal health, and agriculture sectors, including engaging businesses and civil society. Actions that can be taken include:

  • Organize a public event or activities aimed at the general public – concerts, festivals or fairs, food tastings or cooking demonstrations with a #foodsafety message.
    To make it virtual: Public gatherings are not going to be easy for authorities working under COVID-19 restrictions but a great deal of creativity has been demonstrated in adapting events to the online world. Music concerts and demonstrations with virtual audiences are now a ‘new normal’.
  • Host a panel or roundtable that brings together key players in the food system to talk about everyone’s role in food safety, including, for example, political leaders, educators, scientists, farmers and consumer group representatives. Follow the discussion with a question-and-answer session to encourage involvement.
    To make it virtual: Online panel discussions have become very popular over the last year.
  • Focus on creating policy to strengthen the national food safety system. Present a draft food safety policy on World Food Safety Day or hold a townhall-style meeting to discuss.
    To make it virtual: The policy could be presented or townhall conducted online.
  • Engage on social media in creative ways and encourage high-level policymakers with a large social media reach to spread the word about food safety or even record a video address. Search the #WorldFoodSafetyDay hashtag for inspiration.
  • Launch a food safety awareness campaign in the week leading up to 7 June. There are many ways to share the message that food safety is everyone’s business: host a series of webinars or online lectures, prepare educational videos, produce posters, flyers or booklets, and don’t forget to use this year’s promotional material for World Food Safety Day.
    To make it virtual: The entire campaign can be held exclusively on digital platforms.
  • Educate consumers about safe and healthy food and encourage them to know what’s safe through TV and radio advertising or Facebook, Instagram and Twitter posts. Here is a tool which will be helpful as you plan: Five Keys to Safer Food.
  • Focus on international food standards and make sure your government has everything in place for farmers and producers to make safe food and expand their market access. Prepare a roadmap of the steps to take and announce your commitment on World Food Safety Day. Celebrate achievements by zeroing in on how standards have made a difference.
  • Collaborate with the food industry and help those who grow, produce, process or transport food to make it safe. Put together a food safety training or workshop for the staff and invite companies and their employees to take part.

Private Sector

Private Sector

World Food Safety Day provides a vehicle for a wide variety of private sector stakeholders in the food system to work together and ‘team up for food safety’.

  • Organize a World Food Safety Day event – Engage with the public, your customers and organizations from across your sector by organizing food safety workshops, demonstrations and public lectures or conferences with partners and clients.
    To make it virtual: Take a fresh approach to a public event by considering different activities or new formats for events, like Facebook live, a Twitter chat or a webinar. If at the same venue, organize with physical distancing measures in mind. And your audience can be global.
  • Reveal ‘behind-the-scenes’ – Record the food safety practices your business uses and explain what you do at each step to keep the food safe. Produce a video and share it widely with your customers, colleagues and suppliers.
    To make it virtual: Create an online event and invite participants on a virtual tour of your food business, showing how you keep food safe. Encourage feedback and online discussion.
  • Engage employees – Implement a food safety education campaign for staff. Use pep talks and posters to increase employees’ knowledge and improve food safety practices. Organize visual displays, taste tests and handouts. Feature food safety literature, recipes and education materials in a newsletter.
  • Educate consumers – Hold consumer education events on World Food Safety Day and use your corporate communications tools to spread the message about safe food to the broader public. Use the World Food Safety Day social media materials to reinforce messaging.
  • Publicize World Food Safety Day – Spread the word through your communications channels to your network: on the website, through social media, on the company’s information board. Use these ready-to-use communication materials in six languages. Print out the World Food Safety Day poster and display it in high-visibility places.



College campuses play an important role in building momentum toward a better and safer food system. World Food Safety Day provides new opportunities for student learning and leadership, and community engagement. Involve student leaders, campus administrators, faculty, student groups, and other campus organizations to join you in World Food Safety Day planning. Everyone has a role to play!

  • Organize a World Food Safety week of events including discussions with food and agriculture professionals and activists, webinars, food safety demonstrations, film screenings, surveys and an information fair.
    To make it virtual: Stay safe by holding the events online
  • Rally your community around a common goal and work with your campus administration and food service professionals to take a leadership stance when it comes to food safety; develop a comprehensive set of food safety provisions to enact at your campus.
  • Invite guests for a panel discussion. Consider people responsible for food safety from farm to fork - those who grow, process, sell, prepare and serve food. Ask a high-profile public official or a celebrity chef to give a keynote address.
    To make it virtual: By holding the event online, you can open it to broader community.
  • Hold a safe cooking competition, led by the university cafeteria, where students can learn and share safe cooking practices in the kitchen.
    To make it virtual: Make the event virtual and stream it online so everyone can take part from their home kitchens.
  • Create a quiz to test people’s knowledge on food safety issues and share it with a wider audience to help spread the news about World Food Safety Day and raise public awareness of food safety.
    To make it virtual: An online quiz can reach a wider audience.
  • Petition your college administration to proclaim World Food Safety Day on campus and sign a pledge to support food safety education and awareness throughout the year.



Schools and educators can celebrate the World Food Safety Day with events in the cafeteria, in the classroom, in the school garden or with a field trip. They can take place at schools, youth centres and camps, or be organized by parents and children at home together. Activities can be held any time, not necessarily on 7 June. Follow this sampling of activities and adapt them to any age level.

  • Hold a school-wide assembly and invite people who grow, process and cook food to talk about food safety and do demonstrations.
    To make it virtual: You can make the event virtual and open it to broader community.
  • Host a food tasting or a cooking demonstration involving local chefs and students, introducing children to healthy food options and highlighting the #foodsafety message.
    To make it virtual: Make the event virtual and stream it online so everyone can take part from their home kitchens. Enlist the help of the parents if necessary.
  • Invite a health or food safety expert to share their scientific knowledge with the classroom or school. They can also talk about their own educational path to get to where they are.
    To make it virtual: Host the guest speaker and allow for interaction with the students on Zoom or other platform.
  • Organize a school-wide poster competition on food safety and choose a winner. Use the winning poster to promote food safety awareness at school throughout the year. Get inspired by the World Food Safety Day poster available here.
  • Organize a video screening and show the Five Keys to Safer Food video to your students and have a discussion afterwards. Note that the video is available in numerous languages.
    To make it virtual: Stream the video on Zoom or another platform and move the discussion online.
  • Create a photo montage to visually document good food safety practices and make a collage or produce an exhibition that shows food safety in action. Consider holding a competition between the classes for the best display.
    To make it virtual: Upload the images to an online gallery. Encourage others to add to it – the result would be a comprehensive look at food safety from different perspectives.