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codexalimentarius > WFSD-2025 > Food Safety leaflets

Food safety leaflets

A series of leaflets featuring concise food safety tips is available in all six official UN languages. The short documents detail the actions people in different settings can take to ensure food is produced, stored, served or eaten safely, as well as outline the benefits and importance of food safety.

Each leaflet describes how food safety is maintained in each environment and specifies ways authorities, producers and consumers can all play their part in preventing foodborne illness and improving food safety for all in the long term. Every leaflet ends with an idea on how to celebrate World Food Safety Day.

The two-page leaflets illustrate how the World Food Safety Day slogan (Food safety is everyone’s business) is relevant to those in: Contact: [email protected] with suggestions for future leaflets about food safety


Contact the World Food Safety Day team with questions or information about your event: [email protected].