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Noticias sobre el Día Mundial de la Inocuidad de los Alimentos

National authorities, FAO and WHO join forces in Georgia to celebrate World Food Safety Day

The National Food Agency of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the World Health Organization (WHO) representation offices in Georgia, the National Center for Disease Control and Public Health of Georgia and the Georgian Technical University all joined forces to mark World Food Safety Day on 7 June, together with their partners and donor organizations. Two events [...]
12 June 2023

Celebrating World Food Safety Day at the University of Mauritius

The Faculty of Agriculture of the University of Mauritius (UoM) actively celebrated World Food Safety Day to create awareness around the important role food safety plays, through a half-day workshop on 7 June 2023. The programme for the workshop was carefully planned to include some of the most pressing issues in food safety in Mauritius. Speakers were from the University of Mauritius, the Ministry of Health and Wellness, the Codex [...]
11 June 2023

Costa Rica Ministry of Economy, Industry and Commerce marks World Food Safety Day

The Costa Rican Ministry of Economy, Industry and Commerce has produced a World Food Safety Day video, in which it “recognizes the importance of food standards because they constitute the basis of trust for all consumers. Food standards are a way to ensure the safety and quality of food. These standards are those developed by the Codex Alimentarius”.  The video, presented by Ms Patricia Rojas Morales, Vice Minister of Economy, [...]
11 June 2023

Kenya celebrates World Food Safety Day 2023

The government of Kenya in partnership with African Union Commission (AUC), East African Community (EAC), TradeMark Africa (TMA), Microenterprises Support Programme Trust (MESPT), and Concern worldwide and other development partners organized and conducted a 3-day conference 5 to 7 June 2023 to commemorate World Food Safety Day in Nairobi, Kenya. Delegates were invited from across the African region representing over 30 member countries and 2 economic blocks. The objectives of [...]
09 June 2023

In India, Tamil Nadu authorities and organizations celebrate World Food Safety Day

On 7 June, the Tamil Nadu Food Safety Department, Empower India and the All India Chamber of Commerce and Industries jointly observed World Food Safety Day  at Thoothukudi. This year’s theme is “Food Standards save lives”.  The Thoothukudi District Revenue Officer Ajay Srinivasan inaugurated the programme. The Honorary Secretary of the Empower India,  A Sankar said that “Food safety protects consumers. When food safety standards are applied the consumers will be protected by the efforts [...]
09 June 2023

Food safety lessons for schoolchildren in Portugal on World Food Safety Day

The school meals team at the Municipality of Alcobaça in Portugal organized a special World Food Safety Day event for the children whose meals they oversee. Engineer Ana Pereira and Doctor Cristina António held awareness sessions in their local schools, teaching good food handling practices and why they are important. The sessions aimed to show the children what they can do to ensure they consume safe food. There was a game [...]
09 June 2023

Expert panel takes audience questions in World Food Safety Day event hosted by FAO and the World Food Programme

The last of four live World Food Safety Day events, which took place on 7 June at FAO in Rome and online, saw the audience drive the conversation in an “Ask us anything about food safety” session. Hosted by FAO and the World Food Programme (WFP), the event featured five experts from FAO, WFP and the Codex Alimentarius Commission Secretariat, who shared anecdotes and experiences with the audience at FAO [...]
09 June 2023

Bhutan officials attend World Food Safety Day workshops

Two workshops were conducted in Paro, Bhutan 4–7 June 2023 on (a) Organic Group Certification; and (b) the World Trade Organization (WTO) Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (SPS Agreement) and the Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT Agreement). The workshops were organized by the Bhutan Food and Drug Authority (BFDA), Ministry of Health under the aegis of an Asian Development Bank (ADB) project on improving [...]
09 June 2023

Online food safety tips offered by global food company for World Food Safety Day

On 7 June, AIB International, the “technology and information transfer centre for bakers and food processors”, celebrated World Food Safety Day by hosting a complimentary one-hour virtual class in which they “took a practical look at food safety culture.” Their expert, Judi Lazaro, a food safety professional with over 30 years of experience and currently Senior Director of Global Sales at AIB International, shared practical tips that "can positively impact the food [...]
09 June 2023

Indian dietician prescribes food safety in World Food Safety Day video

Dietician Richa Mittal in Jaipur India produced a World Food Safety Day video in which she gives advice on “safe food handling, consumption and storage”. Watch the video here        
09 June 2023