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Noticias sobre el Día Mundial de la Inocuidad de los Alimentos

UNACHI holds World Food Safety Day conference on food safety in chemical sciences

At the Autonomous University of Chiriqui in Panama (UNACHI), the Faculty of Natural and Exact Sciences hosted a full day’s World Food Safety Day conference for their Masters’ Program in Chemical Sciences (which has an emphasis on food safety). The conference on “Chemical Residues in Food and their Impact on Food Safety” took place on 7 June and included an international line up of expert speakers. The conference was opened by [...]
28 June 2021

Ireland launches “What does food safety mean to you?” campaign on Twitter

The Food Safety Authority of Ireland (FSAI) launched a food safety awareness campaign on Twitter in the occasion of the World Food Safety Day. Starting on May 31, the campaign highlighted quotes from a variety of stakeholders who answered the question “What does food safety mean to you?” “Food safety is the building blocks for what makes our world-class and pioneering sector so great,” said Charlie McConalogue TD., Minister for Agriculture, [...]
28 June 2021

Avocado packing staff in Peru test their food safety knowledge for World Food Safety Day

The Avocado Packing Company, an agribusiness company that packs fresh fruits such as avocado, mango and blueberry, located in Chao La Libertad, Peru, celebrate World Food Safety Day under the theme "Safe food now for a healthy tomorrow." The celebration consisted of sending different flyers about the Day and theme. Staff were invited to participate in the “Knowledge Bingo”, which was organized to test them on the food safety knowledge [...]
28 June 2021

Nicaragua celebrates food safety at health centres and other venues across the country

For World Food Safety Day 2021, the competent authorities in food safety of Nicaragua carried out different activities such as: creating murals, holding talks, visiting food retail outlets, producing posters and a video to highlight the importance of food safety, all under the theme "Safe food now for a healthy tomorrow". It should be noted that the competent authorities in matters of food safety lead the national work of INFOSAN [...]
25 June 2021

South Africa’s SAAFoST presented a webinar to mark World Food Safety Day 2021

On 2 June 2021 the South African Association for Food Science and Technology (SAAFoST) held a lunchtime webinar for its members and any other interested parties to mark World Food Safety Day 2021. There were three guest speakers with fascinating presentations all congruent with the theme “Safe Food Now for a Healthy Tomorrow”. The webinar was opened by Mr Malose Daniel Matlala, Deputy Director at the National Department of Health [...]
23 June 2021

India’s Arjuna Natural spices company marks World Food Safety Day with employee training

The Indian botanical extract manufacturer, Arjuna Natural, took the opportunity of World Food Safety Day to train its staff in food safety and quality analysis.  Special training sessions were based on the theme ‘Safe food now for a healthy tomorrow’ and were geared towards greater awareness of the significance of food safety and healthy living. Live discussions on Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP), Food Safety and Quality Analysis Mechanisms were conducted. “Safe food [...]
22 June 2021

GFSI hosts World Food Safety Day discussion on ‘a healthy tomorrow’

Anne Gerardi, Senior Manager at the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI), held a virtual discussion with food safety experts on 7 June to mark World Food Safety Day. She spoke with Wai-Chan Chan, Managing Director at the Consumer Goods Forum (CGF), Maria Montosa, an environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) analyst at the FAIRR Initiative, and Suresh Mistry, Co-Founder and Head of ESG for Alquity. The FAIRR Initiative is “a collaborative [...]
22 June 2021

Papua New Guinea launches World Food Safety Day celebrations

Papua New Guinea’s World Food Safety Day celebrations were launched a week before the day itself, on 2 June at Iarowari Agro Technical School. “It’s my business, it’s your business, and it’s our business to ensure the food we produce and consume is safe,” attendees were told. Later, on 8 June, representatives from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) joined celebrations, which included a visit to [...]
22 June 2021

Fiji’s Ministry of Agriculture embraces World Food Safety Day

On 7 June this year, the Fijian Ministry of Agriculture dedicated itself to ensuring its staff and the general public were not only aware of World Food Safety Day but also that they understood the significance of ensuring food safety “to inspire action to help prevent, detect and manage foodborne risks.” The Ministry, which is home to the country’s National Codex Alimentarius Committee, involved every department from accounts and human resources [...]
21 June 2021

Federal University of Minas Gerais in Brazil produces an animation video on food safety

Members of the Bromatology Research Group at the Faculty of Pharmacy of the Federal University of Minas Gerais in Brazil have produced an animation video to celebrate the World Food Safety Day. The video uses animation and simple language to discuss the key messages proposed by FAO and WHO regarding food safety, aiming to promote awareness about the importance of the subject.  The group is led by Prof. Scheilla Vitorino Carvalho de [...]
21 June 2021