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Новости о Всемирном дне безопасности пищевых продуктов

India’s KAHER Institute of Physiotherapy, Belagavi organizes World Food Safety Day awareness

The KAHER Institute of Physiotherapy, Belagavi, India, organized a “Virtual Awareness Programme-Panel Discussion” on the occasion of “World Food Safety Day" on 7 June 2021. In line with the theme for this year, ‘Safe food today for a healthy tomorrow’, the Literary and Education committee of the institute organized a virtual programme and had speakers such as Chef Vijay Bhaskar, Vice President, Indian Food Culinary Association, who spoke on the importance [...]
07 July 2021

Food Safety Forum convened in Africa to support small businesses

On 15 June this year, for the second consecutive year, the Ivorian company, ICAF, which specializes in training, advice and auditing in the field of food quality and safety, convened an Africa Food Safety Forum for World Food Safety Day. The physical and virtual event held in Côte d’Ivoire’s capital, Abidjan, was aimed at sensitizing “all actors in the food chain (from farm to table) on the dangers relating to [...]
07 July 2021

Politehnica University of Timisoara – Competition & Webinar

‘Youth and Food Safety’ Competition Politehnica University of Timisoara held a poster competition called “Youth and Food Safety”. It was aimed at students and teachers in pre-university and university education. The main objectives of the competition were to cultivate and encourage responsible consumer behaviour, develop communication and collaboration skills, critical and creative thinking, cultivate interest in food science, with a focus on chemistry, and acquire new knowledge. Organized for World Food [...]
06 July 2021

EatSafe/Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) hosts an Interview Cruncher virtual conversation

On the occasion of the World Food Safety Day and as a part of WHO “Health talks” organized in contribution to the Food Systems Summit, EatSafe/Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) hosted the virtual conversation “Interview Cruncher – Talking Food Safety.” Participants included Consumer Advocacy for Food Safety and Nutrition Initiative, Health Policy Watch, Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition and HealthSetGo. Bonnie McClafferty, Director for Food Safety at GAIN, hosted and moderated [...]
02 July 2021

The United Arab Emirates’ food safety measures highlighted in World Food Safety Day event

The Dubai municipality hosted a virtual World Food Safety Day symposium on 7 June where national and local municipal efforts were showcased. The virtual event also brought together food safety professionals, food safety training providers and government officials from across the Emirates in a discussion on relevant topics, with speakers also from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Food Safety Authority of Ireland (FSAI). For [...]
02 July 2021

In the United States, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Food and Drug Administration get behind World Food Safety Day

National Center for Environmental Health in the Division of Environmental Health Science and Practice at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the United States publicized World Food Safety Day and the Guide for organizers through its Environmental Health Nexus newsletter. The newsletter was released in Spanish and English. On June 7, the Twitter handle of the National Center for Environmental Health/Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (NCEH/ATSDR) posted [...]
01 July 2021

NXG Food Safety Works holds an array of World Food Safety Day initiatives in India

The idea of World Food Safety Day is to spread awareness about the topic, and NXG Food Safety Works in India did its bit to spread the word. To mark the day, the organization conducted various activities from 5 to 9 June. The events were widely publicized through the digital media and received wide coverage. An overwhelming response was reported - from students as well as industry and participants from [...]
01 July 2021

Malawi commemorates the 2021 World Food Safety Day

Malawi joined the global campaign in the commemoration of the World Food Safety Day on 7th June 2021. The Ministry of Health in collaboration with the National Codex Committee for Malawi, Food and Agriculture Organization and the World Health Organization – Malawi Country Offices organized a live panel discussion on Times TV, Times Radio and Times 360 Malawi Facebook page as main event to celebrate the day in Malawi. Under [...]
01 July 2021

Italy’s UNPISI hosts World Food Safety Day webinar

On 7 June the National Union of Health Inspection Personnel of Italy (UNPISI) held a World Food Safety Day webinar entitled "Cyber Food Controls: the new frontiers of official control." The webinar was moderated by Giovanni Rossi, the President of UNPISI. The speakers were lawyer, Pasquale Iodice and Maurizio Martinelli, a food hygiene instructor. The objective of the webinar was to analyze the regulation of the online sale of products intended [...]
29 June 2021

Singapore Food Agency video highlights how food safety is everyone's business

Low Li Ping Singapore Food Agency In conjunction with World Food Safety Day on June 7, the Singapore Food Agency (SFA) worked with the Ministry of Sustainability and the Environment (MSE) on a video project to raise awareness of our science-based and risk management approach to ensuring food safety in Singapore. The video also highlights how food safety is “everyone’s business”, which is the theme for the year’s World Food Safety Day.  The video featured scientists from SFA’s [...]
28 June 2021