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Новости о Всемирном дне безопасности пищевых продуктов

Colombia spreads the World Food Safety Day word on the web

The Ministry of Health and Social Protection joined forces with the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism to celebrate World Food Safety Day in Colombia. In the week of 1-5 June 2020, a webinar series was developed within the framework of the Codex Alimentarius to focus attention on key public health issues that affect the population under the slogan "Food Safety, everyone's business." The webinars addressed topics related to good agricultural [...]
19 June 2020

Twitter chat delivers food safety tips for consumers to use during the pandemic

How has COVID-19 affected food safety? What food safety measures should be taken when ordering take out or delivery?  These were some of the questions that were addressed during a Twitter chat organized by the International Food Information Council (IFIC) with the participation of the Codex Secretariat on Thursday 11 June.   More than 50 participants attended the online conversation and shared their views on food safety and COVID-19 with over 2 million [...]
19 June 2020

WHO Regional Director urges action for safer food from farm to plate, for everyone in Africa

“On June 7 we celebrate World Food Safety Day, because every person has a right to safe food for a nutritious and healthy diet. However, each year, 91 million people in sub-Saharan Africa suffer from acute food-borne illness and 137,000 sadly lose their lives.” These were the opening words of the video message WHO Regional Director for Africa, Dr Matshidiso Moeti, recorded for World Food Safety Day. Watch the video.  
19 June 2020

Ensuring Food Safety in the Philippine Coconut Industry

By Luz Brenda P. Balibrea Coconut oil, desiccated coconut, coconut water, coconut milk, coconut sap sugar and refined glycerin are among the coconut food products that are continuously making a big wave in the international market. As demand for natural food products is expanding, ensuring food safety is very important. Thus, the Philippine Coconut Authority (PCA), being the primary agency mandated to promote the integrated development and growth of the coconut [...]
18 June 2020

Food Systems transformation is everyone’s business

Ruth Richardson, Executive Director of the Global Alliance for the Future of Food and Francesco Branca, WHO Director of the Department of Nutrition and Food Safety take the opportunity of the World Food Safety Day to explain the urgent need for a radical change in our current food systems and the challenges to ensure a safe, resilient, sustainable and equitable future of food. They underline the need to take an [...]
18 June 2020

Безопасность пищевых продуктов всегда является приоритетом для Армении!

ФАО Армения тесно сотрудничает с Инспекционным органом по безопасности пищевых продуктов при Правительстве Республики Армения, который проводит оценку соответствия пищевых продуктов действующим стандартам безопасности, регулирует управление ветеринарными и фитосанитарными службами, а также обеспечивает контроль и налагает санкции, действуя от имени Республики Армения. Чтобы отпраздновать Всемирный день безопасности пищевых продуктов (WFSD), руководитель Инспекционного органа г-н Георгий Аветисян выступил с видео-речью, поздравив всех с этим событием и подчеркнув важность безопасности пищевых продуктов и [...]
18 June 2020

Angola launches an information campaign about food safety

In the context of World Food Safety Day celebrations in Angola, FAO - together with WHO, the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, and the Ministry of Social Action, Family and Women Empowerment - launched an awareness campaign about food safety. Messages focused on the need for salespeople to apply good hygiene practices and handle food with clean hands, as well as the need to display products on clean surfaces. Consumers, on [...]
17 June 2020

Ensuring food safety during the COVID-19 pandemic - a Codex observer view

Science and Codex guidelines help food businesses By Leon Gorris, Secretary of the International Commission on Microbiological Specification for Foods (ICMSF) Ensuring food safety is a public health priority and an essential step to achieving food security. While we are celebrating World Food Safety Day on 7 June 2020, we remind ourselves that food safety is everyone’s business. We all play a role, e.g. food growers, processors, distributors, retailers and consumers. Around the globe [...]
17 June 2020

For World Food Safety Day Nicaragua focuses on hygiene and health

To commemorate World Food Safety Day, the competent authorities responsible for food safety in Nicaragua led several awareness-raising, knowledge-enhancing and team-building initiatives in June 2020. The initiatives were joint efforts coordinated by the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Development, Industry and Commerce, the Institute of Protection and Agricultural Security, as well as the INFOSAN and the Codex Alimentarius offices. Information products about “Food safety, everyone’s business”, the theme for the [...]
17 June 2020

Food safety hashtag shines on Twitter in a chat led by the UN Food Systems Summit

On 9 June 2020, there was a flurry of activity around #WFSDchat, the hashtag chosen to abbreviate World Food Safety Day for the online conversation organized by @FoodSystems,  About 185 users engaged in the chat, which consisted of 520 tweets with the hashtag, potentially reaching more than 4 million users. The chat centred on six questions that covered topics such as how current global challenges like climate change and the COVID-19 [...]
17 June 2020