FAOLEX Database



Element Description

Record Id

Unique identifier for each FAOLEX record (i.e. LEX-FAOC197963). Each record contains the metadata describing one document. The record also contains the link to the full text of the document, as well as annexes and translations where available.

Record URL

Individual address of FAOLEX record on the Internet (i.e. www.fao.org/faolex/results/details/en/c/LEX-FAOC197959)

Document URL

Individual address of the full text of the document on the Internet (i.e. http://faolex.fao.org/docs/pdf/par197959.pdf)


Title of the document as formally provided. For documents not in English, French, or Spanish, the titles are translated into English.

Original title

Title of the document in its original language. (Not applicable for documents in English, French, or Spanish).

Date of original text

Date in which a document has been issued or enacted.

Last amended date

Date in which a legislation has been last amended. (The consolidated document is provided)

Available Website

Website from which the document was downloaded.

Language of document

Language(s) of the text(s) linked to the record.


Country or Territory under whose jurisdiction the document was issued or enacted.

Regional organizations

Intergovernmental organizations within a restrictive geographical or geopolitical boundary that issue policies and/or regulations approved by their member States.

Territorial subdivision

Partially self-governing subnational entities that are afforded a degree of constitutionally guaranteed autonomy, including the power to legislate on specific matters.

Type of text

FAOLEX has a choice between 6 types of text:

1.  Constitutions – Fundamental Law of a sovereign country. A constitution is a set of rules that guides how a country, state, or other political organization works.

2. Policies – National Strategies, Programmes, Plans, Plans of Action, etc. covering a specific sector and National Development Plans. National Policies, Strategies and Plans play an essential role in defining a country's vision, policy directions and strategies for its population.

3. Legislation - corresponds to “Primary legislation” – Acts or Statutes that have been formally adopted at the national level following the official parliamentary procedure for the passage of laws (in parliamentary systems); (ii) other acts at the national level with the force of law, such as decree-laws and legislative decrees and otherwise (in parliamentary systems); (iii) other legal instruments that have been formally endorsed by a law-making body, for instance presidential and royal orders or presidential and royal decrees (in nonparliamentary systems or systems where law-making power lies in an additional institution to the parliament).

4. Regulation – corresponds to “Secondary legislation”- subsidiary, delegated or subordinate legal instruments that have the force of law, are binding and shall not be in contradiction with primary legislation. They are usually passed by the executive, such as national regulations, rules, by-laws, determinations, directions, circulars, orders and implementing decrees.

5. International Agreements – Bilateral or multilateral international Agreements.

6. Miscellaneous – Other “soft law”, non-binding documents like guidelines, declarations, proclamations, etc.


Indicates the legislation is not in force anymore.


Summary of the document focusing on the principal matters covered by the text and drawing specific attention to the FAO areas of work.

Primary subject

The main domain(s) treated by the text. Allows to organize the collection around sectoral or thematic clusters of documents.


Domains correspond to the main thematic areas of work of FAO. The record may have multiple domains depending on the provisions covered by the document.


Controlled vocabulary of concepts used to describe the content of the document. See Glossary for complete list of keywords.