An Act to consolidate and amend the law relating to the combating and prevention of soil erosion, the conservation, improvement and manner of use of the soil and vegetation and the protection of the water sources in the Republic and the territory of South-West Africa; and to provide for matters incidental thereto.
This Act makes provision for the protection of soil from erosion. It also provides for the conservation, protection and improvement of the soil, the vegetation and the sources and resources of the water supplies of Namibia. The Minister may, either by notice in the Gazette or by written notice to the owner or occupier of land referred to in such notice, declare a direction to be applicable with reference to land referred to in such notice, relating to, among other things: (a) the cultivation of land, including the ploughing thereof, the protection, stabilizing or withdrawal of the land from cultivation; (b) the use of areas reserved as water catchment areas under a provision of any law; and (c) the resting and utilization of pasturage. The Minister may also order construction of soil conservation works. The Act also empowers the Minister to establish soil conservation committees and fire protection areas, committees and schemes. The Minister may order expropriation of land for conservation or stabilization purposes.