منصة مدارس المزارعين الحقلية العالمية
Profiles found: 23
Country of residence: Pakistan
Current Organization/Company:
Role/Position in the organization:
Areas of FFS epertise: Cotton, Fruits and Nuts, Maize, Rice, Vegetables, Wheat, Water
Country of residence: Lebanon
Current Organization/Company: FAO
Role/Position in the organization: National professional Officer/ National FFS Expert
Type of FFS expert: Master trainer
Country of residence: Viet Nam
Current Organization/Company:
Role/Position in the organization:
Areas of FFS epertise: Cassava, Fruits and Nuts
Country of residence: Nepal
Current Organization/Company: Food and Agriculture Organization Nepal
Role/Position in the organization: Training Specialist
Country of residence: Saudi Arabia
Current Organization/Company: Thepalladiumgroup.com
Role/Position in the organization: Expert Protection des plantes et mise en oeuvre des projets
Country of residence: Jordan
Current Organization/Company: FAO Damascus office
Role/Position in the organization: Farmer Field School International Consultant
Type of FFS expert: Master trainer, Technical expert
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