منصة مدارس المزارعين الحقلية العالمية
Profiles found: 52
Country of residence: Malawi
Current Organization/Company: FAO
Role/Position in the organization: Senior Project Officer and FFS Master Trainer
Country of residence: Kenya
Current Organization/Company: Adeso/REGAL-IR
Role/Position in the organization: Technical Advisor
Type of FFS expert: Master trainer
Country of residence: Kenya
Current Organization/Company: Government of Kenya
Role/Position in the organization: Veterinary epidemiologist
Type of FFS expert: Master trainer
Country of residence: Cambodia
Current Organization/Company: University Hohenheim/ICRAF
Role/Position in the organization: PhD candidate
Country of residence: Italy
Current Organization/Company: FAO
Role/Position in the organization: Gender and development expert
Type of FFS expert: Technical expert, FFS evaluator
Country of residence: Nepal
Current Organization/Company: Food and Agriculture Organization Nepal
Role/Position in the organization: Training Specialist
Country of residence: Senegal
Current Organization/Company: FAO Sénégal
Role/Position in the organization: Consultant Expert Elevage
Type of FFS expert: Master trainer, Project coordinator
Country of residence: Netherlands (Kingdom of the)
Current Organization/Company: Applied Ecology Research, Wageningen, Netherlands
Role/Position in the organization: Director
Type of FFS expert: Technical expert, FFS evaluator
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