منصة مدارس المزارعين الحقلية العالمية
Profiles found: 203
Country of residence: Netherlands (Kingdom of the)
Current Organization/Company: FAO
Role/Position in the organization: Agricultural officer, TCIA
Country of residence: Burundi
Current Organization/Company: ONG (FLM)
Role/Position in the organization: Chef du Département d'Agriculture et d'Entreprenariat à la FLM-Burundi
Type of FFS expert: Master trainer
Areas of FFS epertise: Youth/Juniors, Cereals
Country of residence: Ghana
Current Organization/Company: Ministry of Food and Agriculture (MoFA)
Role/Position in the organization: Retiree/Independent Consultant
Type of FFS expert: Master trainer
Areas of FFS epertise: Rice, Vegetables, Legumes
Country of residence: South Sudan
Current Organization/Company: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation
Role/Position in the organization: National Project Manager
Country of residence: Malawi
Current Organization/Company: FAO
Role/Position in the organization: Senior Project Officer and FFS Master Trainer
Country of residence: Kenya
Current Organization/Company: FAO/ Agric.
Role/Position in the organization: Master Trainer/ Facilitator
Type of FFS expert: Master trainer
Areas of FFS epertise: Cereals, Soil
Country of residence: Burundi
Current Organization/Company: Ministère de l'Agriculture et de l'Elevage
Role/Position in the organization: Cadre du Ministère de l'Agriculture et de l'Elevage
Type of FFS expert: Master trainer
Areas of FFS epertise: Cereals, Potatoes, Vegetables, Youth/Juniors
Country of residence: Rwanda
Current Organization/Company: Horticulture in Reality corporation (HoReCo)
Role/Position in the organization: Agronomist
Type of FFS expert: Master trainer
Areas of FFS epertise: Maize
Country of residence: Democratic Republic of the Congo
Current Organization/Company: ACODED
Role/Position in the organization: Chef de projet
Type of FFS expert: Master trainer