Глобальная платформа фермерских полевых школ
Profiles found: 203
Country of residence: Democratic Republic of the Congo
Current Organization/Company: FAO
Role/Position in the organization: Consultant
Type of FFS expert: Master trainer
Areas of FFS epertise: Cereals, Vegetables
Country of residence: Gabon
Current Organization/Company: Universite des sciences
Role/Position in the organization: Enseignant INSAB
Type of FFS expert: Master trainer
Areas of FFS epertise: Soybeans, Peanuts
Country of residence: Ethiopia
Current Organization/Company: FAO
Role/Position in the organization: Livestock officer
Type of FFS expert: Master trainer
Areas of FFS epertise:
Country of residence: Mali
Current Organization/Company:
Role/Position in the organization:
Type of FFS expert: Master trainer
Areas of FFS epertise: Rice, Vegetables
Country of residence: United States of America
Current Organization/Company: Caribbean Agricultural Extension Network
Role/Position in the organization: Co Chair
Areas of FFS epertise: Rice
Country of residence: Gambia
Current Organization/Company:
Role/Position in the organization:
Type of FFS expert: Master trainer
Country of residence: Mali
Current Organization/Company: OPA de Dioïla
Role/Position in the organization: Sécrétaire général du réseau de Dioila
Type of FFS expert: Master trainer
Areas of FFS epertise: Vegetables, Cotton
Country of residence: Niger
Current Organization/Company: Ministère de l'Elevage, REFOCEP -NIGER
Role/Position in the organization: Chef division aménagement de l'espace pastoral, DGPIA/MEL
Type of FFS expert: Master trainer
Areas of FFS epertise: Pastoralism and livestock
Country of residence: Niger
Current Organization/Company: Ministère de l'Elevage, REFOCEP - NIGER
Role/Position in the organization: Chef division aménagement de l'espace pastoral, DGPIA/MEL
Type of FFS expert: Master trainer
Country of residence: Mali
Current Organization/Company: ONG
Role/Position in the organization: Consultant indépendant
Type of FFS expert: Master trainer
Areas of FFS epertise: Rice, Vegetables, Oilseed crops