Глобальная платформа фермерских полевых школ
Profiles found: 146
Country of residence: Benin
Current Organization/Company:
Role/Position in the organization: Consultant Indépendant en CEP, Assistant technique projet
Type of FFS expert: Master trainer
Areas of FFS epertise: Climate change, Rice, Vegetables, Cotton
Country of residence: Côte d'Ivoire
Current Organization/Company:
Role/Position in the organization: Coordinateur nationale filière Horticole
Type of FFS expert: Project coordinator
Areas of FFS epertise: Cereals, Vegetables
Country of residence: Mali
Current Organization/Company: Union Niétaa de Bla
Role/Position in the organization: Président de l’Union Niétaa de Bla
Type of FFS expert: Master trainer
Areas of FFS epertise: Vegetables, Cotton
Country of residence: Pakistan
Current Organization/Company:
Role/Position in the organization:
Areas of FFS epertise: Cotton, Fruits and Nuts, Maize, Rice, Vegetables, Wheat, Water
Country of residence: Kenya
Current Organization/Company:
Role/Position in the organization: Independent consultant
Country of residence: Mali
Current Organization/Company: DRACPN Kayes
Role/Position in the organization: Chef Service de l’Assainissement
Type of FFS expert: Master trainer
Country of residence: Gabon
Current Organization/Company: Universite des sciences
Role/Position in the organization: Enseignant chercheur
Type of FFS expert: Master trainer
Areas of FFS epertise: Vegetables
Country of residence: Thailand
Current Organization/Company: Blue Gold Program
Role/Position in the organization: Consultant Food Security and Agricultural Production