Profiles found: 58
Country of residence: Morocco
Current Organization/Company: Office National du Conseil Agricole
Role/Position in the organization: Chef de Service de management des connaisances
Type of FFS expert: Project formulator
Areas of FFS epertise: Other crops
Country of residence: Burundi
Current Organization/Company: Ministère de l'Agriculture et de l'Elevage
Role/Position in the organization: Directrice de la Promotion des Productions Animales
Type of FFS expert:
Areas of FFS epertise: Other crops, Youth/Juniors
Country of residence: Burkina Faso
Current Organization/Company: Ministère de l'agriculture / Direction Générale des Productions Végétales
Role/Position in the organization: Agronome
Type of FFS expert: Master trainer
Areas of FFS epertise: Rice, Legumes, Other crops
Country of residence: Cameroon
Current Organization/Company: Danish Refugee Council
Role/Position in the organization: Chef des Projets Intégrés
Country of residence: Iraq
Current Organization/Company: Plant Protection Directorate - Ministry of Agriculture Iraq
Role/Position in the organization: Extension
Areas of FFS epertise: Other crops
Country of residence: Tunisia
Current Organization/Company: DGPCQPA / Ministère de l'Agriculture
Role/Position in the organization: Chef de Division de la surveillances des maladies des végétaux
Type of FFS expert: Master trainer, Technical expert
Areas of FFS epertise: Integrated pest management, Other crops
Country of residence: Egypt
Current Organization/Company: FAO
Role/Position in the organization: FAO Plant Protection Officer - FAO Regional Office for Near East (RNE)
Areas of FFS epertise: Integrated pest management, Other crops
Country of residence: Burkina Faso
Current Organization/Company: Institut de l'Environnement et de Recherche Agricole
Role/Position in the organization: Chercheur, entomologiste
Areas of FFS epertise: Integrated pest management, Other crops
Country of residence: Burkina Faso
Current Organization/Company: Institut de l'Environnement et de Recherche Agricole
Role/Position in the organization: Chercheur, Gestion des Ressources Naturelles/systèmes de production
Type of FFS expert: Technical expert
Country of residence: Burundi
Current Organization/Company: FAO
Role/Position in the organization: Consultant
Type of FFS expert: Master trainer
Areas of FFS epertise: Youth/Juniors, Other crops
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