Global Farmer Field School Platform

First name:


Family name:




Country of residence:


Current Organization/Company:

FAO Crop Production and Protection Division

Role/Position in the organization:

FFS Team

Type of FFS expert:

Project coordinator, Technical expert, Project formulator, FFS evaluator

Areas of FFS expertise:

Cereals, Cotton, Fruits and Nuts, Maize, Rice, Vegetables, Other crops, Advisory systems and extension, Agroecology, Climate change, Empowerment and social inclusion, Facilitation and non-formal education, Farm and enterprise management, Food and nutrition security, Food Safety and quality, FS sustainability, Gender, Integrated pest management, Monitoring and evaluation, Pesticides, Policies and institutions, Research and innovation, Resilience, Sustainable production intensification, Value chains

Languages spoken:

English, French, Spanish

Approximate years of FFS experience:

>10 (more than 10 years of experience)

Regions in which the expert has FFS experience:

West Africa, Central Africa, Eastern Africa, Southern Africa, South-East Asia

Countries in which the expert has FFS experience:

Professional training/degree:

Social science and economics

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