Global Farmer Field School Platform

First name:


Family name:




Country of residence:


Current Organization/Company:

Government of Kenya

Role/Position in the organization:

Veterinary epidemiologist

Type of FFS expert:

Master trainer

Areas of FFS expertise:

Advisory systems and extension, Animal health, Emergency/ disaster risk reduction (DRR), Facilitation and non-formal education, Field School approaches, Pastoralism and livestock

Languages spoken:

English, Other Swahili

Approximate years of FFS experience:

5-10 (from 5 to 10 years)

Regions in which the expert has FFS experience:

West Africa, Eastern Africa

Countries in which the expert has FFS experience:

Kenya, Nigeria

Professional training/degree:

MSc. Applied Epidemiology - 2017 - JomoKenyatta University of Agriculture & Technology(JKUAT), Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine - 2007 - University of Nairobie

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