منصة مدارس المزارعين الحقلية العالمية
Number of documents: 88

Guía para facilitadores de Escuelas de Campo - Herramientas de Enseñanza

Training material

2004 - Programa Manejo Integrado de Plagas en América Central (Promipac) - Programa Manejo Integrado de Plagas en América Central (Promipac)
Production system: Crops, Root/Tuber crops, Legumes

Impact of Farmer Field Schools on adoption of soil water and nutrient management technologies in dry areas of Zimbabwe

Impact assessment

2004 - International crop research Institute for the semi-arid Tropics (ICRISAT - International Crop Research Institute for the semi-arid tropics) - Rusike, J and Masendeke, D and Twomlow, S J and Heinrich, G M
Agricultural extension systems in sub-Saharan Africa are increasingly using participatory approaches to improve technology adoption by smallholder farmers. This approach has been successful particularly in low-rainfall areas, where adoption is traditionally slow. Crop productivity, farm incomes and food security have improved as a result. ICRISAT worked with Zimbabwe’s Department of [...]
Production system:

IPM Farmer Field Schools: a synthesis of 25 impact evaluations

Key documents on FFS

2004 - FAO - Henk van den Berg
Production system:

Guide sur la gestion et la conservation des sols et des éléments nutritifs pour les champs-écoles des agriculteurs

Training material

2004 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) - MM. R. Barber, G. Englisch, M. M.G. Douglas
Production system:

Challenges and Prospects of Disseminating Technologies through Farmer Field Schools: Lessons learnt based on experience from Uganda

Technical background material

2004 - Uganda Journal of Agricultural sciences - J.J. Hakiza, W. Odogola, J. Mugisha, A.R. Semana, J. Nalukwago, J. Okoth, and Adipala Ekwamu
The agricultural extension service in Uganda has in the last 40 years used a variety of approaches to disseminate technologies developed by researchers and other partners. These included regulatory, advisory and educational approaches. The regulatory and advisory approaches were top-bottom and non-participatory in nature.
Production system:

Smallholder agricultural technology development in Soroti district: Synergy between Naads and Farmer Field Schools

Case study

2004 - Uganda Journal of Agricultural Sciences - E. Friis-Hansen, C. Aben, M. Kidoid
Production system:

Sending farmers back to school: the impact of Farmer Field Schools in Indonesia

Impact assessment

2003 - World Bank Policy Research Working Paper - Gershon Feder, Rinku Murgai, and Jaime B. Quizon
Production system:

Ten years of IPM Training in Asia from Farmer Field School to Community IPM

Key documents on FFS

2002 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) - John Pontius, Russell Dilts, Andrew Bartlett
Production system:

Guía metodológica para la implementación de Escuelas de Campo de Agricultores (ECAs)

Training material

2002 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) - Never Baras, Carlos Cerna Yrigoin, Lucio Cotrina Jonde, Julio Cesar Leon Chavez, Jesus Gonzalez, Kim Groeneweg, Easu Salazar Guerra, Jose Tenorio Mora, Cesar Valencia Cabrera
Esta guía enfatiza la parte metodológica en la implementación de una ECA, desde la selección de localidades y participantes, formación, desarrollo, evaluación, clausura y seguimiento. Basada en experiencias y recomendaciones que el personal del Proyecto GCP/PER/036/NET: "Manejo Integrado de Plagas en los Principales Cultivos Alimenticios en el Perú" tuvo en [...]
Production system:
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