منصة مدارس المزارعين الحقلية العالمية
Number of documents: 111

Pastoral and Agro-Pastoral Field School

Training material

2023 - Ethiopian Ministry for Agriculture and Horticulture Development Sector - Aresawum, M. Kidane, D. Gorfe, T. Teshome, G. Bazezew, S. Ahmed, M. Fisseha, T.
In sub-Saharan Africa, pastoralism is usually practiced especially in the arid lands where the climate is hot and dry with low and erratic rainfall and rugged terrain. The pastoralists are characterized by varying aspects of socio-cultural set ups, production forms and strategies of survival which include mobility. The pastoralists’ main [...]
Production system: Livestock

National Farmer Field School Guideline: Agriculture and Horticulture Extension lead Executive

Advocacy and policy

2023 - Ethiopian Ministry for Agriculture and Horticulture Development Sector - Ethiopian Ministry for Agriculture and Horticulture Development Sector
This Guideline addresses the Key Principles of FFS, Key elements of FFS, Conditions for successful FFS, Roles, and responsibilities of different stakeholders at all levels & master facilitators, standards to implement FFS, facilitator's guide with different Phases and steps for implementation of Field school (preparation, establishment & implementation), strategy for [...]
Production system:

Farmer Field Schools Approach for Climate Smart Agriculture in Mayuge District

Audiovisual material

2021 - Wilmat Development Foundation -
Since most Ugandans live in rural areas and practice farming, raising agriculture incomes a centrepiece of Uganda’s National Development Plan is critical to reducing poverty, boosting prosperity and creating jobs, especially for women and youth. Challenges notwithstanding, Ugandan agriculture has enormous potential to transform the economy and make farming much [...]
Production system:

NARIGP Nakuru County Project Coordinating Unit :Farmers Field School Methodology.

Audiovisual material

2021 - Dennis Rasto -
The National Agricultural and Rural Inclusive Growth Project (NARIGP) has equipped 54 youths in Nakuru County with skills in competitive agricultural extension to steer the newly adopted Farmers Field Schools program.
Production system:

Webinar on aquaculture field schools

Audiovisual material

2021 - Eastern Africa field schools hub -
Mr. Daniel Baha, a seasoned FS Master trainer has been involved in the training and setting up of Aquaculture Field Schools (AFS). In this presentation, he outlines the project concept, the design and progress made to date in the field.
Production system: Aquaculture

Évaluation finale du projet «Intégration de la résilience climatique dans la production agricole et pastorale pour la sécurité alimentaire dans les zones rurales vulnérables à travers l’approche des champs-écoles des producteurs»

Information on projects

2021 - FAO -
Le présent rapport concerne l’évaluation finale du projet «Intégration de la résilience climatique dans la production agricole et pastorale pour la sécurité alimentaire dans les zones rurales vulnérables à travers l’approche des champs-écoles des producteurs» (GCP/NER/043/LDF) financé par le Fonds pour l’environnement mondial (FEM) et exécuté conjointement par l’Organisation des [...]
Production system: Crops

Fall armyworm management – Farmer field school experiences in Africa

Training material

2021 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) -
Since the FAW outbreak began in 2016, the the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has taken multiple actions to strengthen countries’ capacity to respond to FAW through Technical Cooperation Programme projects and other funded initiatives.
Production system:

Integrating the methodologies of farmer field schools into universities’ curricula: The case of Kenya’s Pwani University

Case study

2021 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) -
Eastern Africa continues to face acute and chronic food insecurity and malnutrition. Combined with a high incidence of conflict and security issues, displacement and natural disasters, food security continues to affect a high proportion of the population, jeopardizing marginalized households’ health, economic and social wellbeing. Thus, there is a growing [...]
Production system:

Institutionalizing Farmer Field School methodologies in the Universities Curricula in Eastern Africa

Audiovisual material

2021 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) -
It is an instructional video on Institutionalizing the Farmer Field Schools methodologies in institutions of higher learning in Eastern Africa. It focuses on key steps needed to complete the process, spanning Ethiopia, Kenya, and Uganda. The FFS video highlights also the importance of why institutions of higher learning should consider [...]
Production system:

Nutrition-sensitive Farmer Field Schools in Kenya’s Kalobeyei settlement

Information on projects

2020 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) -
Kalobeyei settlement was inaugurated in 2016 as an alternative to traditional refugee encampment, predicated on self-reliance and access to livelihoods, homegrown entrepreneurship, and household vegetable cultivation. Whereas Kakuma refugee camp provided free meals and services based on a model of temporary humanitarian aid, nearby Kalobeyei emphasized longer-term livelihood opportunities and [...]
Production system:
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