منصة مدارس المزارعين الحقلية العالمية
Number of documents: 188

Facilitators Guide for Conducting Farmer Field Schools on SRI

Training material

2005 - Catholic Relief Services - Gerald Aruna
The SRI (System of Rice Intensification) Facilitators Guide is intended to support farmers’ learning in SRI. It recognizes that there is no one lesson, single strategy, program or course that meets all the needs of farmers in SRI methodology. Supporting farmers in acquiring SRI skills requires on-going work by Facilitators/Development [...]
Production system: Cereals

Guía metodológica ECAs

Training material

2005 - INIAP-CIP-World Neigbhbors - Manuel Pumisacho, Stephen Sherwood
Guía metodológica sobre ECAs basada en la recolección de información de América Central y Sud América.
Production system:

Las Escuelas de Campo para Agricultores (ECAs) en el Pesa, Nicaragua

Case study

2005 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) - Ramiro Ortiz, Enrique de Loma-Ossorio, Carmen Lahoz
Una experiencia participativa de extensión para contribuir a la seguridad alimentaria y nutricional en Nicaragua.
Production system:

Farmer field school as an effective methodology for disseminating agricultural technologies: up-scaling of soil management technologies among small-scale farmers in Trans-Nzoia district, Kenya

Impact assessment

2005 - AIAEE - David K. Bunyatta, Joseph G. Mureithi, Christopher A. Onyango and Faustine U. Ngesa
This study was conducted to determine the effectiveness of the Farmer Field School (FFS) approach in knowledge acquisition, adoption and dissemination of soil management technologies (SMTs) among small-scale farmers in Kenya. Eight technologies were scaledout using the FFS approach and conventional extension methods. A survey methodology with the ex-post facto [...]
Production system:

Biofumigation: Concept note & compilation of session guides on Biofumigation

Training material

2005 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) -
The Biofumigation concept is being introduced to Asian vegetable smallholders under the auspices of the FAO Regional Vegetable IPM Programme Phase II. Being a relatively new ecologically, socially and economically viable option against a plethora of persistent and ever increasing soil-borne disease problems, it requires localization, experience and adoption with [...]
Production system:

The Impact of the FAO-EU IPM Programme for Cotton in Asia

Impact assessment

2005 - Pesticide Policy Project - Peter A. C. Ooi, Suwanna Praneetvatakul, Hermann Waibel, Gerd Walter-Echols
Production system:

An effective approach of safe vegetable production: a case of community vegetable integrated pest management in Kunming city, Yunan province

Case study

2005 - National Agro-technical Extension and Service Center, Ministry of Agriculture, China - Puyun Yang, Ping Li, Elske van de Fliert and Xinmei Hu
This paper describes a case study in small producer system in the Petri-urban areas of Kunming city, Yunnan province on an approach of farmer participatory vegetable community IPM development. The vegetable community IPM development was composted of farmer education, technological development, farmers’ self organization, alliance building and policy supporting. [...]
Production system: Vegetables and Melons

An assessment of the impact of Farmer Field Schools (FFS) on integrated pest management dissemination and use: evidence from smallholder cotton farmers in the lowveld area of Zimbabwe

Impact assessment

2004 - . - Edward Mutandwa, Jf Mpangwa
Many technological innovations have been developed to improve agricultural productivity in Sub Sahara. However, the adoption of these innovations has been low. Appropriate extension models are often seen as the missing link between adoption and the achievement of productivity gains. Although, Zimbabwe’s agriculture continues to be a vital cog in [...]
Production system: Crops, Others

Management of potato late blight in the Peruvian highlands: evaluating the benefits of Farmer Field Schools and farmer participatory research

Impact assessment

2004 - The American Psytopathological Society - O. Ortiz , K. A. Garrett, J. J. Health, R. Orrego, R. J. Nelson
Farmer field school programs incorporating farmer participatory research (FPR-FFS) have the potential to provide important benefits to their participants and to other farmers who benefit from improved cultivars and management techniques. An FPR-FFS program in San Miguel, Cajamarca, Peru, has been in place since 1999 with an emphasis on management [...]
Production system: Root/Tuber crops

The acquisition and diffusion of knowledge: the case of pest management training in Farmer Field Schools, Indonesia

Impact assessment

2004 - Journal of Agricultural Economics - Gershon Feder, Rinku Murgai, and Jaime B. Quizon
Farmer Field Schools (FFS) are an intensive training approach introduced in the last decade in many developing countries to promote knowledge and uptake of ecologically sensible production approaches, and in particular, integrated pest management which minimises pesticide use. Because of the high training cost, the viability of the program depends [...]
Production system: