منصة مدارس المزارعين الحقلية العالمية
Number of documents: 20

Documentation: an effective tool in Farmer Field Schools (FFS)

Case study

2006 - LEISA Magazine - Eefje den Belder, Martín García and Don Jansen
This document examines the benefits of planning a FFS with peruvian small coffee producers.
Production system: Beverages/Spice crops

Management of potato late blight in the Peruvian highlands: evaluating the benefits of Farmer Field Schools and farmer participatory research

Impact assessment

2004 - The American Psytopathological Society - O. Ortiz , K. A. Garrett, J. J. Health, R. Orrego, R. J. Nelson
Farmer field school programs incorporating farmer participatory research (FPR-FFS) have the potential to provide important benefits to their participants and to other farmers who benefit from improved cultivars and management techniques. An FPR-FFS program in San Miguel, Cajamarca, Peru, has been in place since 1999 with an emphasis on management [...]
Production system: Root/Tuber crops

Capacitación e investigación participativa para el manejo integrado de la marchitez bacteriana de la papa

Training material

2004 - CIP- PROINPA- DFID; Centro Internacional de la Papa (CIP) - Sylvie Priou, Oscar Barea, Hermeregildo Equise, Pedro Aley
Manual con información validada en Perú y Bolivia sobre la marchitez bacteriana de la papa (MB). Esta guía intenta ser una herramienta flexible para ser usada como recurso para facilitadores de ECAs o de CIALs, o para profesionales de campo que requieran capacitar a agricultores o experimentar con ellos de [...]
Production system: Root/Tuber crops

Impact assessment of Farmer Field Schools in Cajamarca, Perú: an Economic Evaluation

Impact assessment

2004 - International Potato Center (CIP) - Regula Züger
Economic evaluation of the Farmer Field Schools (FFSs) in the Cajamarca Department (Peru) was undertaken to help determine whether agricultural extension via FFSs can contribute to poverty alleviation. Farmer Field Schools involving a number of important crops have already been evaluated at other sites around the world. These studies reported [...]
Production system: Root/Tuber crops

The impact of Farmer Field Schools (FFS) on knowledge and productivity: a study of potato farmers in the Peruvian Andes

Impact assessment

2003 - University of California at Berkley - Erin Godtland, Elisabeth Sadoulet, Alain de Janvry, Rinku Murgai, Oscar Ortiz
Using survey-data from Peru, this paper evaluates the impact of a pilot farmerfield-school (FFS) program on farmers’ knowledge of integrated pest management (IPM) practices related to potato cultivation. We use both regression analysis controlling for participation and a propensity score matching approach to create a comparison group similar to the FFS [...]
Production system: Root/Tuber crops

Guía metodológica para la implementación de Escuelas de Campo de Agricultores (ECAs)

Training material

2002 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) - Never Baras, Carlos Cerna Yrigoin, Lucio Cotrina Jonde, Julio Cesar Leon Chavez, Jesus Gonzalez, Kim Groeneweg, Easu Salazar Guerra, Jose Tenorio Mora, Cesar Valencia Cabrera
Esta guía enfatiza la parte metodológica en la implementación de una ECA, desde la selección de localidades y participantes, formación, desarrollo, evaluación, clausura y seguimiento. Basada en experiencias y recomendaciones que el personal del Proyecto GCP/PER/036/NET: "Manejo Integrado de Plagas en los Principales Cultivos Alimenticios en el Perú" tuvo en [...]
Production system:

Guía para facilitar el desarrollo de Escuelas de Campo de Agricultores - Manejo integrado de las principales enfermedades e insectos de la papa - Caso San Miguel, Cajamarca, Perú

Training material

2002 - CIP-CARE - Mario Bazán (CARE), Reneé Castillo (CARE), Cristina Fonseca (CIP), Aziz Lagnaoui (CIP), Julio César León (CARE), Willmar León (CARE), Víctor León (CARE), Rebecca Nelson (CIP), Ricardo Orrego (CIP), Oscar Ortiz (CIP), María Palacios (CIP), Esaú Salazar (CA
Production system: Root/Tuber crops

Participatory research and training: ten lessons from the Farmer Field Schools (FFS) in the Andes

Case study

2001 - Currents - Swedish University of Agri-cultural Sciences (SLU) - G. Thiele, R. Nelson, O. Ortiz, and S. Sherwood
This article presents ten lessons learnt from the implementation of FFS in the Andes, South America.
Production system:

Working with resource-poor farmers to manage plant diseases

Case study

2001 - Plant Disease - The American Phytopathological Society - Rebecca Nelson, Christopher Mundt, Ricardo Orego, Oscar Ortiz, Marjon Fredrix, Jose Tenorio and Ngo Vinh Vien
The article presents and compares experiences in working with farmers to manage rice blast and potato late blight. In these cases, farmer groups learned about disease processes and management techniques, and tested promising crop varieties and breeding lines with the support of extension and research organizations
Production system: Cereals, Root/Tuber crops

Farmer Field Schools for ecological potato production in the Andes

Case study

2000 - LEISA Magazine - Stephen Sherwood, Rebecca Nelson, Graham Thiele and Oscar Ortiz
Various partners are working with farmers to strengthen local innovative capacity as a means of enhancing production and integrated management of potato in the Andes. Groups in Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia have used the Farmer Field School approach as a jumping-off point to tackle a range of challenges, most notably knowledge [...]
Production system: Root/Tuber crops
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