منصة مدارس المزارعين الحقلية العالمية
Number of documents: 64

A Shift In Global Perspective: Institutionalizing Farmer Field Schools

Advocacy and policy

2015 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) - Delgermaa Chuluunbaatar and Jennifer Yoo
The Farmer Field School (FFS) approach has been very successful and witnessed a strong expansion in many areas beyond crop production. Notwithstanding this success, the adoption of FFS in national extension often remains problematic and FFS activities have often been implemented in the margin of national institutions with strong reliance [...]
Production system:

Guide pratique du Facilitateur Champs Écoles Paysans

Training material

2014 - Ministère de l'agriculture, République du Niger -
Le présent guide a été élaboré pour harmoniser les approches de CEP de toutes les organisations et institutions œuvrant dans ce domaine et pour donner un impact durable au fil des interventions et indépendamment des Projets et ONG.
Production system:

Nuevas inversiones en extensión para la Agricultura Familiar, in Agricultura Familiar en América Latina y el Caribe: Recomendaciones de Política


2014 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) - John Preissing, Sergio Ardila, Julián Buitrón y Carmen Fernández
Los Sistemas de Extensión y Transferencia de Tecnología Agraria (SETTA) son un elemento clave para acelerar la innovación agrícola y el cambio tecnológico (Evenson, 2001; Fan, Zhang, y Rao, 2004; Davis et al., 2010) y así contribuir a la reducción de la pobreza y al mejoramiento de las condiciones de vida [...]
Production system:

Review of Agricultural Extension Interventions in Unlocking Agriculture Potential through Medium Sized Farms, Kenya

Technical background material

2014 - Equity Group Foundation - Chimoita L. Evans
The overall objective of the report was to review barriers and opportunities that exist in agricultural extension approaches in enhancing production and commercialiation of various value chains in Kenya, Africa. Further, to identify alternative agricultural extension models among other stakeholders. Recommendations are further presented at the end of the report. [...]
Production system:

Science Field Shops to reduce climate vulnerabilities: an inter- and trans-disciplinary educational commitment

Technical background material

2013 - University of Nebraska Press - Yunita T. Winarto, Kees Stigter
In addition to an always valuable inter-disciplinary approach in problem solving in agricultural production, a trans-disciplinary collaboration between farmers on the one hand and scholars and scientists on the other is beneficial for both parties as they reach across the voids between their very different realms and idioms. We have [...]
Production system:

EFARP Farmer Field School

Audiovisual material

2013 - MTT Finland -
Egypt-Finland Agricultural Research Project (EFARP) EFARP was launched in 1989 as a pilot project to provide a model how the efficiency of small-scale farming in the newly reclaimed areas can be improved with the help of efficient utilisation of agricultural research results. Ismailia Governorate on both sides of Suez Canal was [...]
Production system: Crops

Farmer Field Schools as a Springboard for Enhanced Uptake of New Agricultural Technologies. Lessons for Tanzania

Case study

2013 - Tanzania Journal of Agricultural Sciences - Z. S. K. Mvena, A. Z. Mattee, R. M. Wambura, D. L. Mwaseba, E. A. Lazaro, E. D. Kiranga and D. M. Kilave
The latest approach in enhancing the uptake of agricultural technologies is through the Farmer Field Schools that have only a short history in Tanzania.The paper reviews FFS and gives a brief presentation of the history of FFS in Tanzania. The paper then makes an assessment of the effectiveness of the approach [...]
Production system:

Sustainable Intensification of Agricultural Production: The Essential Role of Ecosystem-Literacy Education for Smallholder Farmers in Asia

Case study

2012 - Biology Education for Social and Sustainable Development - Jan Willem Ketelaar, Alma Linda Abubakar
The article focuses on a sustainable intensification of agricultural production without the dependence of pesticides. It takes into account the work that FAO has done with Asian governments in improving IPM strategies.
Production system:

Scaling-up of Farmers Field School (FFS) in Peru. CIP's contribution to the process

Technical background material

2011 - International Potato Center (CIP) - Jose Tenorio, Ricardo Orrego, Oscar Ortiz
The FFS method was introduced and adapted to potato-related problems in Peru by the International Potato Center (CIP) and the NGO CARE-Peru in 1997. Since then, a scaling-up process of the methodology has taken place following three phases: 1) validation (1997-1999) in which CIP and CARE adapted and assessed FFS; [...]
Production system:

Training and Visit (T&V) Extension vs. Farmer Field School: the Indonesian Experience

Technical background material

2011 - The Australian National University - Budy P. Resosudarmo, Satoshi Yamazaki
This paper aims to discuss and compare the effectiveness of these two programs (The Training and Visit (T&V) Extension Program and the Farmer Field School -FFS-Program) with reference to rice production in Indonesia. The findings suggest that, for regions where the level of development is still very low, implementing a [...]
Production system:
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