منصة مدارس المزارعين الحقلية العالمية
Number of documents: 18

The system of crop intensification: reports from the field on improving agricultural production, food security, and resilience to climate change for multiple crops

Impact assessment

2014 - Agriculture & Food Security - Binju Abraham, Hailu Araya, Tareke Berhe, Sue Edwards, Biksham Gujja, Ram Bahadur Khadka, Yang S Koma, Debashish Sen, Asif Sharif, Erika Styger, Norman Uphoff and Anil Verma
This review article reports on the productivity and other impacts being observed for many different crops in half a dozen countries for increasing food crop yields with lower cost and input requirements as well as more resilience to adverse effects of climate change. It also reports on mechanization innovations that [...]
Production system: Cereals, Vegetables and Melons, Oilseed crops, Legumes

Farmer Field School in Kenya

Audiovisual material

2013 - The Sustainable Trade Initiative - IDH -
IDH reportage about a KTDA Farmer Field School in Kenya.
Production system: Beverages/Spice crops

Teacher’s manual of Agro-Biodiversity Conservation

Training material

2010 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) - Mario Corado, Marilyn U. Balagtas, Marut Jatiket
FAO-ICP on IPM for Vegetables and the Thai Education Foundation hopes that this manual will serve as a useful guide for teachers and agriculture extension workers in integrating environmental issues and concerns in the basic education and farmers’ education programs
Production system:

Las Escuelas de Campo de Ganaderos: Una estrategia para promover la rehabilitación y diversificación de fincas con pasturas Degradadas

Case study

2007 - Archivos Latinoamericanos de Producción Animal - Danilo A. Pezo, Jorge Cruz y Maricel Piniero
La degradación de pasturas es un problema serio en América Tropical, pues se estima que entre un 50-80% de las áreas de pasturas están degradadas (Días-Filho, 2005), y sólo en América Central éstas representan casi 7 millones de hectáreas (Betancourt et al., 2007). Con frecuencia se acepta que las pasturas [...]
Production system: Livestock, Pastures /Fodder trees, Large Ruminants

Saving your own vegetable seeds - a guide for farmers.

Training material

2005 - The World Vegetable Center (AVRDC) - Sutevee Sukprakarn, Sunanta Juntakool & Rukui Huang, and Tom Kalb
This edition is made in an effort to help extension workers who are directly in contact with farmers. This manual was made to help ordinary farmers and contribute to the sustainable development of agriculture through vegetable production in developing countries.
Production system: Vegetables and Melons, Legumes

Guía para facilitadores de Escuelas de Campo - Herramientas de Enseñanza

Training material

2004 - Programa Manejo Integrado de Plagas en América Central (Promipac) - Programa Manejo Integrado de Plagas en América Central (Promipac)
Production system: Crops, Root/Tuber crops, Legumes

Participatory Ecology Training: Field Guide for IPM training

Training material

2000 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) - Nanang Budiyanto
A fully illustrated guide by Nanang Budiyanto covering 18 topics, 2000. This Guide is based on field work carried out over a period of more than 5 years in Indonesia. The 18 exercises have also been used as part of IPM training courses in China, Bangladesh and Thailand. In March [...]
Production system: Crops, Cereals

Understanding natural enemies; a review of training and information in the practical use of biological control

Technical background material

1998 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) - Stephanie Williamson
The limitations of conventional methods of training and information provision on natural enemies are discussed. Farmer and popular understanding and perceptions about natural enemies are described. Lessons drawn and limitations encountered in traditional research and extension ‘top-down’ educational activities are examined and some of the more promising approaches are described. [...]
Production system: Cereals, Vegetables and Melons, Beverages/Spice crops
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