منصة مدارس المزارعين الحقلية العالمية
Number of documents: 46

Consolidated baseline survey report: women, seeds and nutrition. Technical report

Impact assessment

2016 - Oxfam -
This report is the first presentation of the consolidated findings of the baseline studies in Vietnam and Zimbabwe for Pillar 3 of the SD=HS program. Pillar 3 has a special focus on neglected and underutilized species, as they have a potential to improve dietary diversity, may contribute to income generation, [...]
Production system:

Agro-biodiversity and food security: Scaling Up Innovations for Building People’s Capacities to Respond to Climate Change: Conceptual and Methodological Development for a Baseline Survey. Technical Report

Technical background material

2016 - Oxfam -
This technical report elaborates the conceptual and methodological development of the three year IFAD and Oxfam funded project: “Putting Lessons into Practice: Scaling up People’s Biodiversity Management for Food Security
Production system:

Mainstreaming nutrition through farmer and pastoral field school: the field school approach


2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) - Angela Kimani
A brief presentation that clarifies key information on FFS and Pastoralist Field Schools.
Production system: Crops, Livestock, Large Ruminants

Rumbo al instituto de agroecología de las mujeres del campo: Sistematización Primera Escuela Nacional de Agroecología “Sembradoras de Esperanzas”

Case study

2016 - Asociación Nacional de Mujeres Rurales e Indígenas (ANAMURI), IALA - Chile -
En concordancia con nuestras aspiraciones en la línea de la producción de alimentos mediante la agroecología, con perspectiva de género, hacia la soberanía alimentaria y a modo de compartir nuestras experiencias, hemos sistematizado el proceso de formación realizado mediante nuestras escuelas inter-regionales en 2014 y en 2015 la Escuela Nacional “Sembradoras de Esperanzas”. Finalmente, la [...]
Production system:

Farmers Field and Business School Toolkit

Training material

2015 - CARE International - Dr. Maureen Miruka; Emily HIllenbrand; Elly Kaganzi; Charlotte Newman; Dr. Bethann Cottrell; Dr. Jemimah Njuki; Elizabeth Kruger, Dr. Pranati Mohanraj; Siddiquee Nurul Amin
A series of tools to work with farmers in Farmers Field and Business Schools for experiential learning that focuses on agriculture, marketing, gender, nutrition, and monitoring and evaluation
Production system: Crops, Livestock, Cereals, Vegetables and Melons, Root/Tuber crops, Small Ruminants

Farmer Field Schools and Empowerment - Community Empowerment, social inclusion and Gender Equality Experience from Jordan and Tunisia

Technical background material

2015 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) - Lucie Chocholata, Manuela Allara, Alfredo Impiglia and Elisabetta Tagliati
Production system:

Fortaleciendo los conocimientos de las familias del Programa Agroambiental Mesoamericano (MAP)

Training material

2015 - The Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center (CATIE) -
El presente material fue elaborado en el marco del proceso de gestión del conocimiento y creación de capacidades para contribuir a la seguridad alimentaria y nutricional, promovidas por MAP, a través de las ECA. Está dirigido a familias rurales presentes en los territorios clave del proyecto: NicaCentral en Nicaragua y [...]
Production system:

Zanzibar: back to (Farmer Field) School

Audiovisual material

2014 - International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) -
More than 22,000 farmers on the islands of Zanzibar and Pemba, off the Tanzanian coast, have gone back to school. Although they have farmed for generations, they have decided to learn how to farm. Their productivity has increased so much, that the local Government has made these Farmer Field Schools [...]
Production system: Crops, Livestock

Farmer Field Schools in Andra Pradesh (India)

Audiovisual material

2014 - A.P. Rangers, Digital Green -
Farmer Field School(FFS) is an innovative initiative by Society for Elimination of Rural Poverty(SERP) - Community Managed Sustainable Agriculture (CMSA) to strengthen community participation in addressing farming problems of small and medium scale farmers. The local Village Activist and Cluster Activist organize Farmer Field School at a farmer's field. Prior [...]
Production system:

Household methodologies: harnessing the family’s potential for change Gender, targeting and social inclusion

Technical background material

2014 - IFAD - Clare Bishop-Sambrook
HHMs build on a growing understanding that, in many parts of the world, households are not cohesive units with shared needs, resources, benefits and goals. Rather, women and men in the same household often pursue separate livelihoods and are responsible for different production and consumption activities. Women usually have fewer [...]
Production system:
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