منصة مدارس المزارعين الحقلية العالمية
Number of documents: 154

Conduire des Champs écoles des producteurs - Guide du facilitateur

Training material

2014 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) - Anne-Sophie Poisot
Ce guide est destiné aux facilitateurs qui animent les formations participatives en gestion intégrée de la production et des déprédateurs à travers les Champs écoles des producteurs ou Champs écoles paysans (CEP) en Afrique de l’Ouest francophone. Il est une synthèse et une capitalisation des expériences de terrain des facilitateurs [...]
Production system:

Gestion intégrée de la production et des déprédateurs du coton - Guide du facilitateur pour les Champs écoles des producteurs

Training material

2014 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) - Anne-Sophie Poisot, Tiko Hema
Ce document fait partie d’une série de guides élaborés dans le cadre du programme sous-régional en Gestion intégrée de la production et des déprédateurs (GIPD) en Afrique de l’Ouest, coordonné par l’Organisation des Nations Unies pour l’alimentation et l’agriculture (FAO). Le programme utilise l’approche par Champ école des producteurs ou [...]
Production system: Others

Management of Beet Armyworm

Audiovisual material

2013 - Rural Agricultural Development Authority Videos -
Production system:

Addressing Planthopper Threats to Asian Rice Farming and Food Security: Fixing Insecticide Misuse

Case study

2013 - ADB Sustainable Development Working Paper Series - Kong Luen Heong with Larry Wong and Joy Hasmin De los Reyes
Production system: Cereals

Cassava Farmer Field Schools : Resource Material for Facilitators in Sub-Saharan Africa

Training material

2013 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) - Martin Ameua, Jennifer Hirea, Daniel Kamalanduac, Godrick Khisad, Celestin Koko Nzezab, Cyprien Ndambi Ndokibc and Wilson Oduori Abangid
This manual is part of FAO’s effort to promote sustainable intensification of smallholder crop production. It provides background information on the farmer field school approach and a compilation of field exercises as they are used in cassava farmer field schools. The guide is intended for use by farmer field facilitators [...]
Production system: Root/Tuber crops

Save & Grow: Integrating Rice, Fish and Aquatic Biodiversity

Information on projects

2013 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) -
The Regional Rice Initiative (RRI), a pilot of the Strategic Objective 2 “Sustainable Management of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries” of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, is designed to focus on the importance of goods and services produced by and available from rice ecosystems, and to identify [...]
Production system: Cereals, Aquaculture

Farm Forestry Field Facilitator Manual

Training material

2013 - Danish Forestry Extension - Edited by Josipa Bicanic and Karsten Raae
A FFS manual on farm forestry.
Production system: Others

Impact of FFS on Farmer's Adoption of IPM options for onion: a Case Study from Gezira state, Sudan

Impact assessment

2013 - World Journal of Agricultural Sciences - Ahmed M. Abdel Rahman and Mohamed E. Hamid
The objective of this study was to determine the impact of Farmer Field Schools on farmer's adoption of IPM options for onion in the Gezira State. Field surveys were used to collect data from three Farmer Field Schools in the Gezira State in the 2010/2011 growing season. All FFS participants [...]
Production system: Vegetables and Melons

Empowering Farmers to reduce Pesticide Risks

Impact assessment

2013 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) - Alma Linda Morales-Abubakar Randall Arnst Do Kim Chung Jan Willem Ketelaar Piyatat Pananurak Suwanna Praneetvatakul Suon Seng Harry van der Wulp Betsy Walter-Echols Gerd Walter-Echols
This publication documents impact assessment work done on FAO supported community education for pesticide risk reduction efforts implemented through National IPM Programmes in Cambodia and Vietnam during the 2007-2012 period. Impact assessment on investments in capacity building and education programmes is notoriously difficult. Using science-based research methodologies, the impact assessment [...]
Production system:

Community Mobilization: a Key to Effective Control of Banana Xanthomonas Wilt

Impact assessment

2012 - Journal of Development and Agricultural Economics - Kubiriba J., Karamura E. B., Jogo, W., Tushemereirwe W. K. and Tinzaara W.
Banana xanthomonas wilt (BXW) remains a major threat to banana, an important food and income crop for 12 million poor small-holder farmers in Uganda. Although, BXW has been controlled to some extent in parts of South-western Uganda, it is still a big problem in banana growing areas of Central and [...]
Production system: Fruits and Nuts