منصة مدارس المزارعين الحقلية العالمية
Number of documents: 63

Socio-economic impact of a cocoa integrated crop and pest management diffusion knowledge through a farmer field school approach in Southern Cameroon

Impact assessment

2006 - International Association of Agricultural Economists Conference - Njankoua Wandji Dieu ne dorta ; Lapbim Nkeh Juliusa ; James Jim Gockowskia and Tchouamo Isaacb
We focused on the Socio-Economic Evaluation of Farmer Field School Training on Integrated Pest Management in the humid forest region of Cameroon. The main objective was to assess the impact of training on integrated pest management (IPM) on cocoa farmer field school graduates. The results indicate that shade management, phytosanitary harvest, [...]
Production system: Fruits and Nuts, Beverages/Spice crops

Acute Pesticide Poisoning Among Female and Male Cotton Growers in India

Impact assessment

2005 - Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health - Francesca Mancini, Ariena H. C. Van Bruggen, Janice L.S. Jiggins, Arun C. Ambatipudi & Helen Murphy
A season-long assessment of acute pesticide poisoning among farmers was conducted in three villages in India. Fifty female cotton growers reported the adverse effects experienced after exposures to pesticides by themselves and by their male relatives (n = 47). The study documented the serious consequences of pesticide use for the [...]
Production system: Crops, Others

Do pesticide hazards to human health and beneficial insects cause or result from IPM adoption? Mixed messages from Farmer Field Schools in Nicaragua

Impact assessment

2005 - American Agricultural Economics Association - Ricardo A. Labarta and Scott M. Swinton
This paper analyzes the interaction between farmer training in pest management and effects on acute pesticide poisoning and populations of beneficial insects in Nicaragua. Using farm level data from Nicaraguan bean growers, including graduates of Farmer Field Schools (FFS), other integrated pest management (IPM) outreach methods, and farmers without exposure [...]
Production system:

Biofumigation: Concept note & compilation of session guides on Biofumigation

Training material

2005 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) -
The Biofumigation concept is being introduced to Asian vegetable smallholders under the auspices of the FAO Regional Vegetable IPM Programme Phase II. Being a relatively new ecologically, socially and economically viable option against a plethora of persistent and ever increasing soil-borne disease problems, it requires localization, experience and adoption with [...]
Production system:

Impact of educating farmers about biological control in Farmer field schools

Impact assessment

2005 - Second International Symposium on Biological Control of Arthropods - Peter A. C. Ooi and Peter E. Kenmore
An Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Farmer Field School (FFS) is a field-based activity that lasts a full cropping season. A typical FFS meets once a week and 25-30 farmers participate in an FFS. In addition to group dynamics activity and a special topic session, an FFS emphasizes scientific learning through [...]
Production system: Cereals, Vegetables and Melons, Insects

An effective approach of safe vegetable production: a case of community vegetable integrated pest management in Kunming city, Yunan province

Case study

2005 - National Agro-technical Extension and Service Center, Ministry of Agriculture, China - Puyun Yang, Ping Li, Elske van de Fliert and Xinmei Hu
This paper describes a case study in small producer system in the Petri-urban areas of Kunming city, Yunnan province on an approach of farmer participatory vegetable community IPM development. The vegetable community IPM development was composted of farmer education, technological development, farmers’ self organization, alliance building and policy supporting. [...]
Production system: Vegetables and Melons

Guía para facilitadores de Escuelas de Campo - Herramientas de Enseñanza

Training material

2004 - Programa Manejo Integrado de Plagas en América Central (Promipac) - Programa Manejo Integrado de Plagas en América Central (Promipac)
Production system: Crops, Root/Tuber crops, Legumes

Environmental educational for Poor Farmers

Impact assessment

2004 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) - Peter A. C. Ooi - Gerd Walter-Echols - Dai Weidong - Alma Linda Morales - Abubakar Lim - Guan Soon Palaniswamy - Pachagounder Manzoor - H. Soomro - Cesar Galvan - Francesca Mancini - Rikke Petersen - Kevin Kamp
More than half of the world’s cotton is produced by Asian farmers, the majority of them small landholders with plot sizes of less than one-half hectare. Within Asia, cotton production is diverse and this diversity manifests itself among the countries participating in the FAO-EU Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Programme for [...]
Production system: Crops, Others

Integrated Pest Management in the Global Arena

Case study

2003 - Centre for Agriculture and Biosciences International (CABI) Publishing - Karim M. Maredia, Dona Dakouo, David Mota-Sanchez
This book presents experiences and successful case studies of integrated pest management (IPM) from developed and developing countries and from major international centres and programmes. It contains 39 chapters by many contributors addressing themes such as: emerging issues in IPM, including biotechnology, pesticide policies and socioeconomic considerations (8 chapters).
Production system:

Sending farmers back to school: the impact of Farmer Field Schools in Indonesia

Impact assessment

2003 - World Bank Policy Research Working Paper - Gershon Feder, Rinku Murgai, and Jaime B. Quizon
Production system:
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