منصة مدارس المزارعين الحقلية العالمية
Number of documents: 561

SeedsGROW. Harvesting global food security and justice in the face of climate change. Progress Report 1 April 2016-31 March 2017

Advocacy and policy

2017 - Oxfam -
The third progress report presents results, achievements, challenges and financial updates from the period 1 April 2016 until 31 March 2017. The document reports both on the SD=HS program and the GROW campaign.
Production system:

Discovery-Based Learning in Land and Water Management. A Practical Guide for Farmer Field Schools

Training material

2017 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
The guide results from the accumulated lessons of many resource persons in many countries on supporting farmer field schools (FFS) in learning and adaptive management for sustainable land and water management. FAO supported the capacity development process through field projects and the field work that underlies the guide was conducted [...]
Production system:

Implementation Guide for Farmer Field Schools (FFS)

Training material

2017 - Oromia Bureau of Agriculture and Natural Resource (OBANR) -
This implementation guide has been prepared for FFS facilitators working under Oromia Bureau of Agriculture and Natural Resource (OBANR). The contents are generalized to adjust for many kinds of agriculture and natural resource development FFS program, however, the important concepts and practical suggestions from field operation through the project are [...]
Production system:

Escuelas de Campo: la experiencia del CATIE para la gestión de conocimiento y el desarrollo de capacidades

Technical background material

2017 - The Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center (CATIE) - Cris Soto Gómez
Presentación sobre las ECAs en el contexto de implementación del CATIE. XII Taller de Seguimiento Técnico de Proyectos FONTAGRO.
Production system:

Champ école paysan, une approche participative pour l'amélioration du rendement du niébé: résultats d’experiences pilotes conduites dans les régions de Maradi et Zinder au Niger

Impact assessment

2017 - Agronomie Africaine - M.M. Rabe, I.B. Baoua, L. Sitou, L. Amadou
En vue de favoriser les interactions entre groupes de producteurs pour résoudre les problèmes de production et diffuser les technologies éprouvées, en culture du niébé, trente champs écoles ont été mis en place de 2013 à [...]
Production system: Legumes

Enabling Institutionalization of the Farmer Field School approach - a policy brief

Advocacy and policy

2017 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) -
Production system:

Escola do campo: relação entre conhecimentos, saberes e culturas

Impact assessment

2017 - Universidade do Estado de Mato Grosso, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul - Isaura Isabel ConteI, Marlene RibeiroII
Este artigo trata da relação entre os conhecimentos programáticos com os saberes acumulados nas práticas de trabalho e as culturas de comunidades camponesas, no ensino realizado pela Escola José de Lima Barros, no município de Nossa Senhora do Livramento/MT. Busca evidenciar a maneira como se dá o entrelaçamento dos diversos [...]
Production system:

Epistemological Fundamentals of Education in Agriculture in Cuba

Case study

2017 - Agrisost - Parrado Alvarez, Oscar L.
Production system: Crops, Vegetables and Melons, Root/Tuber crops, Beverages/Spice crops, Legumes

Share a Seed

Audiovisual material

2017 - Oxfam Novib -
Video on the Sowing Diversity=Harvesting Security (SD=HS) program in Zimbabwe, run by partners CTDT and Oxfam Novib.
Production system:

VoiPastorales : Renforcer la résilience des systèmes pastoraux au travers du théâtre forum

Audiovisual material

2016 - CIRAD - Bastien Defives
L’ambition du projet est de créer une synergie de dialogue entre des scientifiques, des acteurs du développement et des acteurs de la société civile engagés dans la définition de pratiques pastorales résilientes dans la zone du Ferlo Sénégalais. La création de dialogues impliquant l’ensemble des acteurs concernés et notamment les pasteurs, [...]
Production system: Livestock, Large Ruminants