منصة مدارس المزارعين الحقلية العالمية
Number of documents: 151

Impact of Farmer Field Schools on Agricultural Productivity and Poverty in East Africa

Impact assessment

2010 - International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) - K. Davis, E. Nkonya, E. Kato, D.A. Mekonnen, M. Odendo, R. Miiro
The study found that younger farmers who belong to other groups, such as savings and credit groups, tended to participate in field schools. Females made up 50 percent of FFS membership. Reasons for not joining an FFS included lack of time and information. FFSs were shown to be especially beneficial [...]
Production system:

Scaling up adoption and impact of agroforestry technologies: experiences from western Kenya

Impact assessment

2010 - Development in practice - Qureish Noordin , Amadou Niang , Bashir Jama & Mary Nyasimi
This paper describes and highlights lessons learned from several research and development organisations in western Kenya using different community-based approaches to scale up agroforestry and other biological options to improve soil fertility among resource- poor smallholders. The main benefits of such approaches are that the link between farmers, government extension, [...]
Production system:

Farmer Field Schools in Bonsaaso, Ghana

Audiovisual material

2010 - Millenium Promise -
With the support of the Millennium Village Project, farmers in Bonsaaso, Ghana have formed collectives. This enables experienced farmers to pass their knowledge along to the younger member of their community, thereby improving crop yields and nutrition.
Production system: Beverages/Spice crops

Bohol Farmer Field Schools in the Philippines

Audiovisual material

2010 - AHR video -
Framers Field School run by East West Seeds and ICRAF on an Australian ACIAR-funded project showing great achievements in modern crop production techniques at Sierra Bullones, Bohol, Philippines.
Production system:

Analysis of Effect of Farmer Field School approach on Adoption of Biological Control on Rice Producer’ Producer’ Characteristics in Iran

Impact assessment

2010 - American-Eurasian Journal of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences - Gholamreza Dinpanah, Mehdi Mirdamadi, Ali Badragheh, Jafar Masoud Sinaki and Fakhraledine Aboeye
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of farmer field school (FFS) approach on rice producer's characteristics and adoption of biological control. The results of the multiple regression analysis (stepwise method) revealed that the variables of knowledge of biological control, relative advantage, mechanization level, rice producers experiences, [...]
Production system: Cereals

Farmer Field Schools and Farmer’s Empowerment in Mozambique: a Pilot Study

Impact assessment

2010 - Journal of Extension Systems - C. Dzecoa, C. Amilaia and A. Cristóvãob
Empowerment is a key element of popular participation in rural development projects. In this sense, it is crucial to know the different approaches and methodologies capable of or with the potential to generate empowerment. This paper presents the results of a study done in the district of Boane, Mozambique, with [...]
Production system:

Impact Assessment of Farmer Field Schools in Cotton Production in China, India and Pakistan

Impact assessment

2010 - Pesticide Policy Project Publication Series - Piyatat Pananurak
This study performed an economic impact analysis of the Farmer Field Schools (FFS) training program in three major cotton producing countries in Asia; namely China, India and Pakistan. The training program is based on the Integrated Pest Management (IPM) approach launched by the “FAO-EU IPM Program for Cotton in Asia”. In the three [...]
Production system: Others

Farmer Field School: A Peace Corps Experience

Audiovisual material

2010 - Jessie Luna -
A video for incoming Peace Corps Volunteers or other extension agents working in rural agricultural development. Explains a bit of the background of Farmer Field Schools and some of the work of an agricultural volunteer in Mali, West Africa. If you are curious about what Peace Corps Volunteers who know [...]
Production system: Crops

Interactuar para aprender, Aprender para innovar

Information on projects

2010 - LEISA Magazine -
Diálogo, interacción y aprendizaje son procesos dinámicos en el marco de desarrollo de capacidades. En este contexto, la colaboración entre actores múltiples juega un rol clave y, si bien su aplicación en la región es aún reciente, ya está en curso. Solo nos queda emprender un verdadero ejercicio de colaboración [...]
Production system:

Monitoring and Evaluation Toolkit for Junior Farmer Field and Life Schools

Training material

2010 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) - Terri Ballard, Tanith K.Bello, Francesca Dalla Valle
Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) is an important aspect to undertake in a project or programme and supports the management work to ensure compliance of its strategies, objectives and approach. It is the mechanism for which the process aspects of a programme can be tracked and accounted for, as well as [...]
Production system: