Global Farmer Field School Platform
Number of documents: 64

Farmer Field Schools to promote Integrated Pest Management in Asia : the FAO experience

Technical background material

2005 - International Rice Research Institute - Andrew Bartlett
This case examines some of the human – as opposed to technological – factors that have influenced the scaling up of the FFS. Organisational issues such as leadership, policy, human resources and competition help to explain why the IPM field school has taken off in some places and not in others. Examples are taken [...]
Production system:

Introducing a Farmers' Livestock School Training approach into the National Extension System in Vietnam

Case study

2005 - Agricultural Research & Extension Network (AGREN) - Jens Peter Tang Dalsgaard, Thai Thi Minh, Vo Ngan Giang, Jens Christian Riise
A new livestock extension approach for training of trainers (TOT) and smallholders in Farmers’ Livestock Schools (FLS) is gradually being introduced to the national extension system in Vietnam. The approach combines experiences from Farmers’ Field Schools in crops, with other practical, group and field-based, interactive learning methods
Production system: Livestock

Farmer field school as an effective methodology for disseminating agricultural technologies: up-scaling of soil management technologies among small-scale farmers in Trans-Nzoia district, Kenya

Impact assessment

2005 - AIAEE - David K. Bunyatta, Joseph G. Mureithi, Christopher A. Onyango and Faustine U. Ngesa
This study was conducted to determine the effectiveness of the Farmer Field School (FFS) approach in knowledge acquisition, adoption and dissemination of soil management technologies (SMTs) among small-scale farmers in Kenya. Eight technologies were scaledout using the FFS approach and conventional extension methods. A survey methodology with the ex-post facto [...]
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Agricultural Extension: Good Intentions and Hard Realities


2004 - The World Bank Research Observer - Jock R. Anderson, Gershon Feder
What considerations lead policymakers to invest in agricultural extension as a key public responsibility, and what factors and agency incentives explain differences in extension system performance? To help answer these questions, this article provides a framework outlining farmers’ demand for information, the public goods character of extension services, and the [...]
Production system:

An assessment of the impact of Farmer Field Schools (FFS) on integrated pest management dissemination and use: evidence from smallholder cotton farmers in the lowveld area of Zimbabwe

Impact assessment

2004 - . - Edward Mutandwa, Jf Mpangwa
Many technological innovations have been developed to improve agricultural productivity in Sub Sahara. However, the adoption of these innovations has been low. Appropriate extension models are often seen as the missing link between adoption and the achievement of productivity gains. Although, Zimbabwe’s agriculture continues to be a vital cog in [...]
Production system: Crops, Others

Impact assessment of Farmer Field Schools in Cajamarca, Perú: an Economic Evaluation

Impact assessment

2004 - International Potato Center (CIP) - Regula Züger
Economic evaluation of the Farmer Field Schools (FFSs) in the Cajamarca Department (Peru) was undertaken to help determine whether agricultural extension via FFSs can contribute to poverty alleviation. Farmer Field Schools involving a number of important crops have already been evaluated at other sites around the world. These studies reported [...]
Production system: Root/Tuber crops

Impact of Farmer Field Schools on adoption of soil water and nutrient management technologies in dry areas of Zimbabwe

Impact assessment

2004 - International crop research Institute for the semi-arid Tropics (ICRISAT - International Crop Research Institute for the semi-arid tropics) - Rusike, J and Masendeke, D and Twomlow, S J and Heinrich, G M
Agricultural extension systems in sub-Saharan Africa are increasingly using participatory approaches to improve technology adoption by smallholder farmers. This approach has been successful particularly in low-rainfall areas, where adoption is traditionally slow. Crop productivity, farm incomes and food security have improved as a result. ICRISAT worked with Zimbabwe’s Department of [...]
Production system:

Challenges and Prospects of Disseminating Technologies through Farmer Field Schools: Lessons learnt based on experience from Uganda

Technical background material

2004 - Uganda Journal of Agricultural sciences - J.J. Hakiza, W. Odogola, J. Mugisha, A.R. Semana, J. Nalukwago, J. Okoth, and Adipala Ekwamu
The agricultural extension service in Uganda has in the last 40 years used a variety of approaches to disseminate technologies developed by researchers and other partners. These included regulatory, advisory and educational approaches. The regulatory and advisory approaches were top-bottom and non-participatory in nature.
Production system:

Farmer Field Schools in China: Experience in Huoshan County with the China Netherlands Poverty Alleviation Project

Case study

2003 - International Potato Center - Wang Haiyang
This paper, as a part of a report from an international learning workshop, describes how farmer field schools have been adopted in the nationally designated poverty county of Huoshan, Anhui, with the support of a bilateral poverty alleviation project to meet the needs of farmers and help them to help [...]
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Thesis investigation on issue of low adoption rates regarding improved agricultural technology by vulnerable farmers

Technical background material

2002 - . - Kevin Gallagher
This thesis will deal with the issue of low adoption rates regarding improved agricultural technology by vulnerable farmers; the barriers and constraints to adoption; and on how to reach an understanding of how to reduce or mitigate such constraints. The thesis will apply a general theoretical discussion of the theories on food security and [...]
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