Global Farmer Field School Platform
Number of documents: 189

Promises and realities of community-based agricultural extension

Impact assessment

2010 - International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) - Gershon Feder, Jock R. Anderson, Regina Birner, Klaus Deininger
In view of the market failures and the state failures inherent in providing agricultural extension, community-based approaches, which involve farmers‘ groups, have gained increasing importance in recent years as a ―third way‖ to provide this service. The paper discusses the conceptual underpinnings of community-based extension approaches, highlights theoretical and practical [...]
Production system:

Réduction de la vulnérabilité de l'agriculture béninoise aux Changements Climatiques: expériences du PARBCC

Audiovisual material

2010 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) -
L'expérimentation paysanne permet de mettre à la disposition des agriculteurs des options pertinentes d'adaptation pouvant les aider à accroître la résilience de leurs systèmes de production.
Production system:

Teacher’s manual of Agro-Biodiversity Conservation

Training material

2010 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) - Mario Corado, Marilyn U. Balagtas, Marut Jatiket
FAO-ICP on IPM for Vegetables and the Thai Education Foundation hopes that this manual will serve as a useful guide for teachers and agriculture extension workers in integrating environmental issues and concerns in the basic education and farmers’ education programs
Production system:

Training manual on the Herder Field School: Improving livestock and protecting human health and the environment

Training material

2010 - Livestock Training Institute, Ifakara Health Institute and Wageningen University - Leo Mzeru, Robert Sumaye, Henk van den Berg
This is a training manual developed to improve the situation of pastoralist communities in the Kilombero Valley, Tanzania. The exercises are focused on the priority problems identified among pastoralist communities in Kilombero and Ulanga Districts, but these problems are not necessarily the same in other districts. It is hoped that [...]
Production system: Large Ruminants, Small Ruminants

Effect of Integrated Pest Management Farmer Field School (IPMFFS) on Farmers’ Knowledge, Farmers Groups’ Ability, Process of Adoption and Diffusion of IPM in Jember district

Technical background material

2010 - Journal of Agricultural Extension and Rural Development - Rizal Rustam
This research aims to explore the effect of the integrated pest management farmer field school (IPMFFS) on farmers’ knowledge, farmers groups’ ability, and process of adoption and diffusion of IPM in Jember District, Indonesia. The population of the research was 556 groups of farmers, with 22.240 farmers who are engaged [...]
Production system:

Farmer Field Schools and Farmer’s Empowerment in Mozambique: a Pilot Study

Impact assessment

2010 - Journal of Extension Systems - C. Dzecoa, C. Amilaia and A. Cristóvãob
Empowerment is a key element of popular participation in rural development projects. In this sense, it is crucial to know the different approaches and methodologies capable of or with the potential to generate empowerment. This paper presents the results of a study done in the district of Boane, Mozambique, with [...]
Production system:

Impact Monitoring and Evaluation system for Farmer Field Schools in Kyrgyzstan: How to Optimize Resource Allocation for Higher Impact

Impact assessment

2010 - Journal of Agricultural Extension and Rural Development - Irene Müller, Dominique Guenat and Ingrid Fromm
With the collapse of the Soviet Union and the independence of the Kyrgyz republic in 1991 Kyrgyz agriculture went through deep structural changes, from large collective farms to household-scaled semi-subsistence farms. Former kolkhoz and sovkhoz specialists became smallscale farm- generalists with a huge lack of technical knowledge and entrepreneurship. Those [...]
Production system:

Farmer Field School: A Peace Corps Experience

Audiovisual material

2010 - Jessie Luna -
A video for incoming Peace Corps Volunteers or other extension agents working in rural agricultural development. Explains a bit of the background of Farmer Field Schools and some of the work of an agricultural volunteer in Mali, West Africa. If you are curious about what Peace Corps Volunteers who know [...]
Production system: Crops

Technical Manual Farmer Field School Approach

Training material

2010 - Sustainable Agriculture Information Initiative - Sustainet EA
SUSTAINET EA as a regional Network operating in Eastern Africa endeavours to bridge the information gap on Sustainable Agriculture to reach smallholder farmers through publication of simplified technical manuals on good agricultural practices.
Production system:

Aprender haciendo: reflexiones sobre la implementación de la metodología de capacitación escuela de campo de agricultores para promover la producción sustentable y el consumo de hortalizas sana

Case study

2009 - SEPIA - Rossana Pacheco, Willy Pradel, Marisol Ramos
El siguiente artículo tiene como fin compartir las reflexiones del equipo HortiSana del Centro Internacional de la Papa, respecto a los aprendizajes obtenidos a partir de la implementación de la metodología ECA, para promover la producción sustentable y el consumo de hortalizas sanas en el Valle del Mantaro, de modo [...]
Production system: Vegetables and Melons