Global Farmer Field School Platform
Number of documents: 561

Vulgarisation des savoirs locaux agricoles comme stratégies d’adaptation au Changement climatique dans la région de l’Extrême Nord du Cameroun

Case study

2014 - Science et technique, Lettres, Sciences sociales et humaines - Armel Sambo
Cette étude vise : (1) à montrer l’importance de la prise en compte des savoirs locaux dans l’amélioration de la production agricole au niveau d’une région fragilisée par des crises écologiques et climatiques ; (2) à présenter les outils de partage de l’information sur ces pratiques agricoles en vue de [...]
Production system:

Farmer Field Schools and Farmer Empowerment

Case study

2014 - International Journal of Agricultural Extension - Marjon Fredrix
Production system:

Community-Based Adaptation in practice: a Global Overview of CARE international’s practice of Community-Based Adaptation (CBA) to Climate Change

Technical background material

2014 - CARE International - Sally King
The purpose of this paper is to document CARE’s current practice of Community-Based Adaptation (CBA) to climate change and how, increasingly, elements of the approach are evolving and being integrated into other development sectors. This synthesis of CBA project examples informs an ongoing process to update our various tools and [...]
Production system:

Global Good Practices on Farmer Field Schools

Technical background material

2014 - GFRAS -
Production system:

The Effects of Integrated Pest Management Techniques Farmer Field Schools on Groundnut Productivity: Evidence from Ghana

Impact assessment

2014 - Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture - Eric Carlberg, Genti Kostandini, Awere Dankyi
This study examines the impact of Integrated Pest Management-Farmer Field School (IPM-FFS) programs on groundnut productivity in Ghana. The program is conducted in the groundnut growing regions of Ghana with the goal to improve groundnut agriculture through the dissemination of information and technology to the producers. We use household data [...]
Production system: Oilseed crops

Building social capital and promoting participatory development of agricultural innovations through farmer field schools: The Greek experience

Impact assessment

2014 - Harper Adams - Chrysanthi Charatsari , Alex Koutsouris , Evagelos D. Lioutas , and Apostolos Kalivas
Production system:

Las mujeres son protagonistas en Escuela de Campo (Capítulo completo)

Audiovisual material

2014 - Gob Antioquia -
El proyecto Siembra busca dignificar la labor de la mujer en el campo y contribuir a su desarrollo económico y personal. Conoce en Escuela de Campo las historias de Ángela, Fabiola y Éric, tres mujeres ejemplo de superación y liderazgo que pasaron de ser desplazadas a ser verdaderas protagonistas del [...]
Production system:

Farmer Field School in West Kalimantan, Indonesia - A Good Return Initiative

Audiovisual material

2014 - Good Return -
Learn about Good Return's Farmer Field School program run with our partner Credit Union Keling Kumang (CUKK) in West Kalimantan, Indonesia. The program aims to improve the incomes of smallholder palm oil farmers by using sustainable agricultural techniques. This allows them to mitigate their environmental impact, improve the health of [...]
Production system: Oilseed crops

Uso de Abono Orgánico Terminado y Riego por Goteo de Baja Presión en la Producción de Maíz, utilizando la metodología de las ECAs

Case study

2014 - Universidad Nacional de Agricultura de Honduras, Programa de Escuelas de Campo -
El objetivo general del proyecto es contribuir al mejoramiento de la seguridad alimentaria de las familias productoras de maíz pertenecientes al programa Escuelas de Campo que desarrolla la Universidad Nacional de Agricultura.
Production system: Cereals