Plataforma Global de las Escuelas de Campo de Agricultores
Number of documents: 63

From Farmers' Field Schools to community IPM. Scaling up the IPM movement

Documentos claves sobre ECA

2011 - LEISA Magazine - Russ Dilts
A people-centred IPM movement has grown in Asia since the 1980s, and is now spreading to parts of Africa, Latin America, and the Middle East. During this period, many variants have evolved, and continue to evolve, within the specific natural and operational environments of different countries, cultures, and communities. From [...]
Production system:

Promises and Realities of Community-Based Agricultural Extension

Documentos técnicos de referencia

2010 - International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) - Gershon Feder, Jock R. Anderson, Regina Birner, Klaus Deininger
The paper discusses the conceptual underpinnings of community-based extension approaches, highlights theoretical and practical challenges inherent in their design, and assesses the evidence available so far on their performance. The paper reviews both quantitative and qualitative studies, focusing on three examples that contain important elements of community-based extension: the [...]
Production system:

Experimental by Nature : Rice Farmers in Ghana

Información sobre proyectos

2010 - Human Organization - J.W. Bentley, P. Van Mele, G.K. Acheampong
A project in Ghana tried to encourage government extension agents to change their attitudes. Instead of merely teaching new techniques, they were supposed to engage rice farmers in a two-way learning experience. The extension agents accepted some of the project philosophy, but they still thought that the goal of the [...]
Production system: Cultivo

Impact of Farmer Field Schools on Agricultural Productivity and Poverty in East Africa

Estudio de impacto

2010 - International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) - K. Davis, E. Nkonya, E. Kato, D.A. Mekonnen, M. Odendo, R. Miiro
The study found that younger farmers who belong to other groups, such as savings and credit groups, tended to participate in field schools. Females made up 50 percent of FFS membership. Reasons for not joining an FFS included lack of time and information. FFSs were shown to be especially beneficial [...]
Production system:

Promises and realities of community-based agricultural extension

Estudio de impacto

2010 - International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) - Gershon Feder, Jock R. Anderson, Regina Birner, Klaus Deininger
In view of the market failures and the state failures inherent in providing agricultural extension, community-based approaches, which involve farmers‘ groups, have gained increasing importance in recent years as a ―third way‖ to provide this service. The paper discusses the conceptual underpinnings of community-based extension approaches, highlights theoretical and practical [...]
Production system:

L’approche Champ-Ecole paysanne (CEP) : une méthode de recherche-action impliquant davantage les producteurs ruraux dans la maitrise et l’amélioration de leur système de production. L’exemple des CEP du Kasaï occidental/R.D.Congo

Estudio de caso

2010 - Innovation and Sustainable Development in Agriculture and Food - Grégoire Ngalamulume Tshiebue
Les dix champs-écoles pilotes installés au Kasaï occidental en 2003 ont permis aux paysans membres d’expérimenter de nouveaux modes de gestion des cultures, et, leurs résultats ont été jugés satisfaisants. L’originalité et la simplicité des procédés utilisés favorisent, non seulement une meilleure appropriation des innovations, mais aussi une participation active [...]
Production system:

Strengthening Agricultural Extension and Advisory Systems: Procedures for Assessing, Transforming, and Evaluating Extension Systems

Documentos técnicos de referencia

2010 - The World Bank - Burton E. Swanson, Riikka Rajalahti
The purpose of this book is to provide information on how to transform and strengthen pluralistic agricultural extension and advisory systems in moving toward the broader goal of increasing farm income and improving rural livelihoods. The focus of this book is primarily on the technical knowledge, management skills, and information services that small-scale farm [...]
Production system:

Assessing the Impact of Farmer Field School participation on IPPM adoption in Uganda

Estudio de impacto

2010 - Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education (AIAEE) - J. Mark Erbaugh, Joseph Donnermeyer, Magdalene Amujal, Michael Kidoido
The Integrated Pest Management Collaborative Research Support Program (IPM CRSP) has been implementing IPM farmer field schools (FFS) with small scale farmers in Eastern Uganda since 2001. This study assesses the impact of cowpea-specific IPM FFS on IPM knowledge and the theoretical link between increased knowledge on the adoption of [...]
Production system: Leguminosa

Challenges of Farmer-Led Extension Approaches in Nigeria

Documentos técnicos de referencia

2010 - World Journal of Agricultural Sciences - O.M. Akinnagbe and A.R. Ajayi
This paper examined the various approaches to agricultural extension and the challenges of farmer-led extension approaches. These challenges include changes in the organization structure and profession attitude, strengthen farmers' organizations, farmers' acceptability, fiscal sustainability and logistics issues.
Production system:

Farmers’ Field Schools an Alternative Extension Strategy to Benefit Resource Poor Farmers in KP

Estudio de impacto

2010 - Sarhad Journal of Agriculture - Amir Khatam, Sher Muhammad, Khalid Mehmood Chaudry, and Ashfaq Ahmad Maann
Recently the Government of KP has introduced a new extension approach i.e Farmers’ Field Schools (FFS) to build the capacity of farmers through discovery based learning. The present paper is based on the study designed to analyze the participation of farmers in the FFS as an alternative extension strategy to [...]
Production system:
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