Plataforma Global de las Escuelas de Campo de Agricultores
Number of documents: 537

Enabling Institutionalization of the Farmer Field School approach - a policy brief

Promoción y políticas

2017 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) -
Production system:

Escola do campo: relação entre conhecimentos, saberes e culturas

Estudio de impacto

2017 - Universidade do Estado de Mato Grosso, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul - Isaura Isabel ConteI, Marlene RibeiroII
Este artigo trata da relação entre os conhecimentos programáticos com os saberes acumulados nas práticas de trabalho e as culturas de comunidades camponesas, no ensino realizado pela Escola José de Lima Barros, no município de Nossa Senhora do Livramento/MT. Busca evidenciar a maneira como se dá o entrelaçamento dos diversos [...]
Production system:

Epistemological Fundamentals of Education in Agriculture in Cuba

Estudio de caso

2017 - Agrisost - Parrado Alvarez, Oscar L.
Production system: Cultivo, Verduras y melones, Raíces y tubérculos, Estimulantes y especies, Leguminosa

Share a Seed

Material audiovisual

2017 - Oxfam Novib -
Video on the Sowing Diversity=Harvesting Security (SD=HS) program in Zimbabwe, run by partners CTDT and Oxfam Novib.
Production system:

VoiPastorales : Renforcer la résilience des systèmes pastoraux au travers du théâtre forum

Material audiovisual

2016 - CIRAD - Bastien Defives
L’ambition du projet est de créer une synergie de dialogue entre des scientifiques, des acteurs du développement et des acteurs de la société civile engagés dans la définition de pratiques pastorales résilientes dans la zone du Ferlo Sénégalais. La création de dialogues impliquant l’ensemble des acteurs concernés et notamment les pasteurs, [...]
Production system: Ganadería, Grandes rumiantes

Escuelas de Campo de Agricultores para la producción de semillas de calidad

Material audiovisual

2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) -
Las Escuelas de Campo para Agricultores (ECA) son esencialmente escuelas sin paredes, con una metodología pedagógica fundamentada en la educación no formal y en el “aprender-haciendo”. Las ECA introducen innovaciones tecnológicas al tiempo que aprovechan los conocimientos autóctonos. En las ECA, los agricultores son los expertos. Este video está enfocado [...]
Production system: Cultivo

Social Cost Benefit of CARE International's Pathways Program

Estudio de impacto

2016 - New Economics Foundation Consulting - Michael Weatherhead, Samrawit Mariam, Sarah Arnold, Alison Freeman
Impact assessment on the social cost benefit analysis of the CARE Pathways program, which focuses on getting extension, tools, and training to women farmers. The program includes gender dialogues and other exercises on gender equality. The study shows a $31 return for every $1 invested.
Production system:

Consolidated baseline survey report: women, seeds and nutrition. Technical report

Estudio de impacto

2016 - Oxfam -
This report is the first presentation of the consolidated findings of the baseline studies in Vietnam and Zimbabwe for Pillar 3 of the SD=HS program. Pillar 3 has a special focus on neglected and underutilized species, as they have a potential to improve dietary diversity, may contribute to income generation, [...]
Production system:

Agro-biodiversity and food security: Scaling Up Innovations for Building People’s Capacities to Respond to Climate Change: Conceptual and Methodological Development for a Baseline Survey. Technical Report

Documentos técnicos de referencia

2016 - Oxfam -
This technical report elaborates the conceptual and methodological development of the three year IFAD and Oxfam funded project: “Putting Lessons into Practice: Scaling up People’s Biodiversity Management for Food Security
Production system:

Agroforestry and Forestry in Sulawesi series: Evaluation of the Agroforestry Farmer Field Schools on Agroforestry Management in South and Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia

Estudio de impacto

2016 - Agroforestery Centre - Endri Martini, Ummu Saad, Yeni Angreiny, James M. Roshetko, Hendra Gunawan, Heru T. Maulana, Gusti Suganda, Gusti Dwipayana, La Ode M Erwin, Abdul Hadedi
The Agroforestry Farmer Field School (AFFS) is a program implemented through the Agroforestry and Forestry: Linking Knowledge to Action (AgFor) project that seeks to improve the agroforestry garden management capacity of smallholder farmers in several provinces of Sulawesi Island, Indonesia. In principle, the method implemented in AFFS follows the participatory [...]
Production system: Frutas y Nueces, Estimulantes y especies