Plataforma Global de las Escuelas de Campo de Agricultores
Number of documents: 102

Guidelines and reference material on integrated soil and nutrient management and conservation for Farmer Field Schools - Reference material for the module on tillage

Material de capacitación

2001 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) -
The aim of this module is to assist farmers to adopt improved tillage systems and implements, or to modify their existing systems and implements, so as to be better adapted to the agroecological and socio-economic environment, cropping and farming systems.
Production system:

Improving local cultivation of soybean in Indonesia through farmers' experiments

Estudio de impacto

2001 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Programme for Community IPM in Asia - H. Van den Berg and A. S. Lestari
The results of 86 replicated experiments on soybean (Glycine max) cultivation practices in eight provinces ± planned, conducted and analysed by farmers ± were examined to identify local differences in the effects of cultural practices on yield, and to explore the potential for farmers to improve their practices. Plant spacing [...]
Production system: Leguminosa

Cabbage Integrated Pest Management : an Ecological Guide

Material de capacitación

2000 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) - Frederike Praasterink, Jan Willem Ketelaar
The ecological guides are technical reference manuals. They give background information and refer to exercises/studies that can be done in the field during training of trainers (TOT), farmers field schools (FFS) and action research to better understand a topic. The information in the guides is not specific for one country. [...]
Production system: Verduras y melones

Tomato Integrated Pest Management : an Ecological Guide

Material de capacitación

2000 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) - Frederike Praasterink, Jan Ketelaar
The ecological guides are technical reference manuals. They give background information and refer to exercises/studies that can be done in the field during training of trainers (TOT), farmers field schools (FFS) and action research to better understand a topic. The information in the guides is not specific for one country. [...]
Production system: Verduras y melones

Field guide exercise for IPM in Vegetables (Part I)

Material de capacitación

2000 - CABI Bioscience for the FAO Inter-Country Programme for IPM in vegetables in South and Southeast Asia -
The objective of this Vegetable IPM Exercise Manual is to provide examples of discovery-based exercises and field studies that can be done in IPM trainings, such as Training of Trainers (TOT) and Farmers’ Field Schools (FFS), or as field studies and training follow up. Many of the exercises described in [...]
Production system: Verduras y melones

Farmer Field School on Integrated Soil Management - Facilitator’s Manual

Material de capacitación

1998 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) - Jaap van de Pol
Production system:

Managing Tropical Rice Pests Through Conservation of Generalist Natural Enemies and Alternative Prey

Documentos técnicos de referencia

1996 - Ecological society of America - William Settle, Hartiahyo Ariawan, Endah Tri Astuti
The cultivation of tropical Asian rice, which may have originated 9000 yr ago, represents an agricultural ecosystem of unrivaled ecological complexity. We undertook a study of the community ecology of irrigated tropical rice fields on Java, Indonesia, as a supporting study for the Indonesian National Integrated Pest Management Programme, whose [...]
Production system: Leguminosa

Managing Tropical Rice Pests through Conservation of Generalist Natural Enemies and Alternative Prey

Estudio de caso

1996 - Ecology - William H. Settle, Hartjahyo Ariawan, Endah Tri Astuti, Widyastama Cahyana, Arief Lukman Hakim, Dadan Hindayana, Alifah Sri Lestari
A study of the community ecology of irrigated tropical rice fields on Java, Indonesia, as a supporting study for the Indonesian National Integrated Pest Management Programme, whose purpose is to train farmers to be better agronomists and to employ the principles of integrated pest management (IPM)
Production system: Cereales

Participatory Learning for Sustainable Agriculture

Documentos técnicos de referencia

1995 - World Development - Jules N. Pretty
Emerging evidence for the success on farms of resource-conserving technologies and practices must not tempt agricultural professionals into making prescriptions about what constitutes sustainable agriculture. Sustainability is a complex and contested concept, and so precise definitions are impossible. The dominant scientific paradigm of positivism has served us well over three [...]
Production system: