Plataforma Global de las Escuelas de Campo de Agricultores
Number of documents: 537

Manual de Escuelas de Campo (ECA) para facilitar el proceso de capacitación participativa de las familias rurales del Altiplano Occidental de Guatemala

Material de capacitación

2016 - CATIE -
Este manual describe una detallada metodología para implementar las Escuelas De Campo. Empieza con los Principios básicos de las Escuelas de Campo,describe los métodos de selección y organización de los grupos de productores y del sitio de aprendizaje. Trata de la elaboración del plan de acción a desarrollar de forma [...]
Production system:

Facilitators’ Field Guide for Farmer Field Schools on Participatory Plant Breeding in Maize, Pearl Millet, Sorghum and Groundnut

Material de capacitación

2016 - Community Technology Development Trust (CTDT) - Damaso Callo Jr., Bert Visser, Rene Salazar, Gigi Manicad
The Facilitators’ Field Guide for Farmer Field Schools on Participatory Plant Breeding in Maize, Pearl Millet, Sorghum and Groundnut aims to assist facilitators in conducting farmer field school (FFS) sessions on participatory plant breeding (PPB) in their respective communities. In this context, participatory plant breeding should be understood in a [...]
Production system: Cereales

Organic Production and IPM Guide for Cucumbers and Squash

Material de capacitación

2016 - New York State Integrated Pest Management Program -
This guide for organic production of pickling cucumbers and butternut squash provides an outline of cultural and pest management practices and includes topics that have an impact on improving plant health and reducing pest problems. It is divided into sections, but the interrelated quality of organic cropping systems makes each [...]
Production system: Cultivo

Guía del Manejo Integrado de Plagas (MIP) para técnicos y productores

Material de capacitación

2016 - JICA - Rutz, Donald A., and J. Keith Waldron
En esta guía, se explica sobre el concepto de MIP, varias medidas de control, y otras informaciones útiles. Espero que los extensionistas y productores hagan observación lo más frecuente posible.
Production system: Cereales, Verduras y melones, Leguminosa

Rumbo al instituto de agroecología de las mujeres del campo: Sistematización Primera Escuela Nacional de Agroecología “Sembradoras de Esperanzas”

Estudio de caso

2016 - Asociación Nacional de Mujeres Rurales e Indígenas (ANAMURI), IALA - Chile -
En concordancia con nuestras aspiraciones en la línea de la producción de alimentos mediante la agroecología, con perspectiva de género, hacia la soberanía alimentaria y a modo de compartir nuestras experiencias, hemos sistematizado el proceso de formación realizado mediante nuestras escuelas inter-regionales en 2014 y en 2015 la Escuela Nacional “Sembradoras de Esperanzas”. Finalmente, la [...]
Production system:

Farmer Field Schools Approach for Agroforestry & Natural Resource Development

Documentos técnicos de referencia

2016 - JICA and Orimia Bureau of Agriculture - JICA and Orimia Bureau of Agriculture
This is a 8 page brochure of FFS for social forest extention in Ethiopia.
Production system:

Distress migration and youth in protracted crises. The Junior Farmer Field and Life Schools approach

Documentos técnicos de referencia

2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) - Francesca dalla Valle, Laura Deotti
This guidance note outlines how increasing livelihood support and employment opportunities for youth can: 1. reduce distress migration, addressing it at its root causes in countries of origin, and help to address causes of instability or conflict; 2. meet the immediate livelihood needs of young IDPs and refugees and give them ‘portable’ [...]
Production system:

Report of the Knowledge exchange on the promotion of efficient rice farming practices, Farmer Field School curriculum development and value chains

Documentos técnicos de referencia

2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
A total of 33 participants (10 women) participated in the Regional Rice Initiative – Workshop cum Study Tour on knowledge exchange on Farmer Field School curriculum development for promotion of efficient rice farming practices and value chains. Field visits were made to Sleman (Rice-Fish farming and “jajar legowo”) and Boyalali [...]
Production system: Cereales, Acuicultura, Pesca

Save and Grow: Minimum Tillage Potato IPM in Rice-Based Cropping Systems in Vietnam.

Estudio de caso

2015 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) - Yuriko SHOJI FAO, Jan Willem KETELAAR
Production system: Cereales, Raíces y tubérculos

Nutrition hanbook for farmer field schools

Material de capacitación

2015 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) -
This handbook is written so that participating farmers and their families can equitably address food production and nutrition issues for good health. FFS participants are encouraged to share what they learn with farmers in their community, schools and other community groups so that their whole community benefits. Persons working in [...]
Production system: