Plataforma Global de las Escuelas de Campo de Agricultores
Number of documents: 147

How can the farmer field school approach be used to support agroecological transitions in family farming in the Global South?

Documentos técnicos de referencia

2022 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO) -
The key to implementing farmer field schools (FFS) is to trigger an experimentation process based on collaboration between a group of farmers and a facilitator. The purpose of this document is to provide project managers, technicians and designers with practical information on how to use the FFS approach and adapt [...]
Production system:

Farmer Water Schools: A manual for facilitators

Material de capacitación

2021 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) -
The manual highlights the successful adaptation of FWS to groundwater management – FWS. It elaborates the FWS implementation process. It documents the: - Documents the steps in FWS implementation, - Illustrates the FWS curriculum, - Discusses the rationale of various topics in FWS curriculum, - Explains the steps in setting up farmer experiments, and - [...]
Production system: Otros

Soil Health for Paddy Rice: a manual for farmer field schools facilitators

Material de capacitación

2021 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) -
The contents of the manual are intended for use by FFS facilitators and trainers in the implementation of a season-long FFS on paddy rice with a strengthened component on soil health. Some of the exercises presented in this manual were adapted from existing manuals, some were developed during a series [...]
Production system: Cereales

Re-inventing agricultural trainings in times of COVID-19

Estudio de impacto

2021 - Oxfam Novib -
The spread of Covid-19, and the measures taken by authorities to contain it, meant an abrupt end to our ways of working. We shifted to internet and mobile phone connectedness, strengthened responsibilities of our partner organisations, and increased South-South communications directly between our partners, including cross-country exchange of experiences. In this [...]
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E-learning: Introduction to the Farmer Field School Approach

Material de capacitación

2021 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN -
This course offers certification. You will get your digital badge upon passing a final exam after completing the course and achieving a grade of at least 75%. Please click on the button below to complete the exam, or refer to our Certification section to learn more.
Production system:

E-learning: Implementation of Farmer Field School Programmes

Material de capacitación

2021 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN -
This course offers certification. You will get your digital badge upon passing a final exam after completing the course and achieving a grade of at least 75%. Please click on the button below to complete the exam, or refer to our Certification section to learn more.
Production system:

Bringing climate change adaptation into farmer field schools: A global guidance note for facilitators

Material de capacitación

2021 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) -
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) developed this guidance note to assist FFS master trainers and facilitators bring about climate change adaptation in FFS. The guide provides key information on how the climate is changing, and how these changes are impacting the agricultural (crops and livestock), [...]
Production system:

Curso en Línea en Español sobre ECAs en Nutrición y Plantas Alimenticias Locales

Material audiovisual

2020 - Oxfam Novib -
La malnutrición es un problema muy grave enfrentado por los pequeños agricultores y los pueblos indígenas. La agrobiodiversidad es la clave para diversificar y mejorar la calidad nutricional de sus dietas. Este curso ha sido diseñado para ayudar a futuros capacitadores a organizar y llevar a cabo las Capacitaciones de [...]
Production system:

Guía de Campo ECAs en Nutrición y Plantas Alimenticias Locales

Material de capacitación

2020 - Oxfam Novib -
El objetivo de este documento preliminar es servir de guía para la elaboración de los planes de estudio para las escuelas de campo para agricultores (ECA) en nutrición y plantas alimenticias locales desde un enfoque de género. Las ECA constituyen la parte principal del trabajo en nutrición del Programa “Sembrando [...]
Production system:

Herramienta para la Línea Base en Nutrición y PLantas Alimenticias Locales

Material de capacitación

2020 - Oxfam Novib -
El SD=HS es un programa con alcance global, cuya implementación actualmente está a cargo de oficinas país de Oxfam e instituciones socias en ocho países, que incluyen el Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agrícolas y Forestales (NAFRI) y el Centro de Investigaciones Agrícolas (ARC) en Laos, Iniciativas Locales para la Biodiversidad, [...]
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