Plataforma Global de las Escuelas de Campo de Agricultores
Number of documents: 22

Comparing Farmer Field Schools, community workshops, and radio: teaching Bolivian farmers about bacterial wilt of potato

Estudio de impacto

2007 - Journal of International Agricultural and Extension Education - Bentley, J.W.; Barea, O.; Priou, S.; Equise, H.; Thiele, G
Bacterial wilt (Ralstonia solanacearum) is a serious disease of potato. It can be managed with cultural practices, but only if farmers understand the technologies, and the reasons behind them. Face-to-face extension methods, like farmer field school (FFS), can teach these messages to smallholders, but other methods may also be useful. [...]
Production system: Raíces y tubérculos

FAO Regional Vegetable Disease Diagnosis, Ecology, and Management Training

Estudio de impacto

2007 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) - Marilyn Patricio, Vale Justo, Tattanakorn Moekchantuk, Lowell Black, Prabhat Kumar, Chou Chey Thyrith and Damien Cupitt
Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is a multifaceted, ecologically-based strategy that relies on close observation and monitoring of a crop before making management decisions. IPM combines a number of techniques to effectively suppress plant diseases and insect pests in an economically and environmentally conscious manner. Utilizing IPM to manage plant diseases [...]
Production system: Verduras y melones

Reducing pesticide exposure and associated neurotoxic burden in an Ecuadorian small farm population

Estudio de impacto

2007 - International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health - Cole, D.C., S. Sherwood, M. Paredes, L. Helena Sanin, C. Crissman, P. Espinosa and F. Munoz
The contribution of community-based interventions, including farmer field schools (FFSs) in integrated pest management (IPM), to reducing pesticide exposures and associated neurotoxic burden among smallfarm families in Ecuador was assessed in three Andean farming communities in a co-design of targeted action–research. Baseline questionnaire surveys elicited pesticide-related knowledge, practices, and exposure [...]
Production system:

Workshop on Pesticide Risk Impact Assessment

Estudio de impacto

2007 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) -
Workshop Report Under the project “Pesticide Risk Reduction in South East Asia”, an impact assessment workshop was held in Ho Chi Minh City from 23 to 25 July, 2007. It was attended by 10 participants from China, Cambodia and Vietnam. The participants included independent impact assessment leaders from the Royal University of Agriculture in Phnom [...]
Production system:

Regional Workshop on Curriculum Development for Pesticide Risk Reduction

Documentos técnicos de referencia

2007 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) - Ngo Tien Dung, Chou Chey Thyrith, Tim Stock, Gerd Walter-Echols, Helen Murphy and Alma Linda C. Morales-Abubakar
The workshop focused on the development of a regional conceptual framework for curriculum development for pesticide risk reduction training. The workshop was also aimed at strengthening capacities of member countries to carry out these activities. The workshop included introductory presentations on risk reduction and the link between impact assessment and curriculum [...]
Production system:

Impact of Farmer Field Schools on adoption of soil water and nutrient management technologies in dry areas of Zimbabwe

Estudio de impacto

2004 - International crop research Institute for the semi-arid Tropics (ICRISAT - International Crop Research Institute for the semi-arid tropics) - Rusike, J and Masendeke, D and Twomlow, S J and Heinrich, G M
Agricultural extension systems in sub-Saharan Africa are increasingly using participatory approaches to improve technology adoption by smallholder farmers. This approach has been successful particularly in low-rainfall areas, where adoption is traditionally slow. Crop productivity, farm incomes and food security have improved as a result. ICRISAT worked with Zimbabwe’s Department of [...]
Production system:

Eggplant Integrated Pest Management : an Ecological Guide

Material de capacitación

2003 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) - Frederike Praasterink
The objective of this ecological guide is to provide general technical background information on eggplant production, supplemented with field experiences from the National IPM programmes connected to FAO’s Vegetable IPM Programme, and from related organizations active in farmer participatory IPM. The information in the guides is not specific for one [...]
Production system: Frutas y Nueces

Tea IPM Ecological Guide

Material de capacitación

2001 - CIDSE - Michael R. Zeiss, Koen den Braber
This is a trainer's reference guide on crop development, major agronomic practices, disease and insect management, written for small-holders' tea cultivation in northern Vietnam. The guide will also be of interest to tea producers in other parts of the world who want to apply an ecological approach to crop [...]
Production system: Estimulantes y especies

Cabbage Integrated Pest Management : an Ecological Guide

Material de capacitación

2000 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) - Frederike Praasterink, Jan Willem Ketelaar
The ecological guides are technical reference manuals. They give background information and refer to exercises/studies that can be done in the field during training of trainers (TOT), farmers field schools (FFS) and action research to better understand a topic. The information in the guides is not specific for one country. [...]
Production system: Verduras y melones

Tomato Integrated Pest Management : an Ecological Guide

Material de capacitación

2000 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) - Frederike Praasterink, Jan Ketelaar
The ecological guides are technical reference manuals. They give background information and refer to exercises/studies that can be done in the field during training of trainers (TOT), farmers field schools (FFS) and action research to better understand a topic. The information in the guides is not specific for one country. [...]
Production system: Verduras y melones
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