Plataforma Global de las Escuelas de Campo de Agricultores
Number of documents: 537

Moving on: Farmer Education in Integrated Insect Pest and Disease Management. In: Integrated Pest Management: Dissemination and Impact

Estudio de caso

2009 - Springer Science - Janice Jiggins, Francesca Mancini
This chapter explores intensive hands-on occupational education for farmers in selected European, African, Latin American countries and in south India. An Indian case study of Farmer Field Schools for Integrated Pest and Production Management (IPPM) to ensure food security and livelihood improvement is presented, to introduce discussion of the role [...]
Production system:

Effectiveness of Farmer Field School in promoting coffee management practices - the case of Jimma and Sidama zones

Estudio de impacto

2009 - Rural Development and Agricultural Extension, Haramaya University - Babur Damitie Endalew
This study was conducted to determine the effectiveness of the Farmer Field School approach in terms of examining farmers’ selection criteria, their profile and FFS implementation. It was also sought to assess the knowledge, attitude and practice of FFS members and nonmembers regarding coffee management practices with reference to coffee [...]
Production system: Estimulantes y especies

Farm nitrogen flows of four Farmer Field Schools in Kenya

Estudio de impacto

2009 - Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems - Christy L. van Beek, Davies D. Onduro, Louis N. Gachimbi, Andre de Jager
Re-use of nutrients within farming systems contributes to sustainable food production in nutrient limited production systems. Re-use is established when nutrients pass through several farm compartments before they leave the farm via marketable products. In this paper re-use of nitrogen is examined as an indicator for sustainable soil fertility management. [...]
Production system:

Pastoralist Field Schools Guidelines for Facilitation

Material de capacitación

2009 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) - Deborah Duveskog
Production system:

Field Guide Exercises for IPM in Cotton

Material de capacitación

2009 - FAO - IPM Hanoi -
The Field Guide is a compilation of the learning activities during TOF and FFS training. Based on a field guide originally developed for the Indonesian Rice IPM Programme, additional activities have been incorporated and some adapted for the implementation of IPM training activities in rice and vegetables under the Vietnam [...]
Production system:

Facilitator training tool for FFS session quality control

Material de capacitación

2009 - JICA -
The Intensified Social Forestry Project in Semi-Arid Areas (ISFP), which is a technical cooperation project between JICA and Kenya Forestry Service (KFS), has been applying the FFS methodology in social forestry extension field since 2004. Based on experiences of ISFP, this multi-media material "Facilitator training tool for FFS session [...]
Production system:

Aprender haciendo: reflexiones sobre la implementación de la metodología de capacitación escuela de campo de agricultores para promover la producción sustentable y el consumo de hortalizas sana

Estudio de caso

2009 - SEPIA - Rossana Pacheco, Willy Pradel, Marisol Ramos
El siguiente artículo tiene como fin compartir las reflexiones del equipo HortiSana del Centro Internacional de la Papa, respecto a los aprendizajes obtenidos a partir de la implementación de la metodología ECA, para promover la producción sustentable y el consumo de hortalizas sanas en el Valle del Mantaro, de modo [...]
Production system: Verduras y melones

A docência em uma escola do campo: narrativas de seus professores

Estudio de caso

2009 - Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Centro de Educação e Ciências Humanas. - Juliana Pereira de Araujo, Rosa Maria Moraes Anunciato de Oliveira
Production system:

Participatory Rapid Appraisal of Mungbean Production and Protection Practices in Cambodia

Documentos técnicos de referencia

2009 - Cambodia National IPM Programme -
Production system: Leguminosa