Plataforma Global de las Escuelas de Campo de Agricultores
Number of documents: 116

Farmer Field School in Kenya

Material audiovisual

2013 - The Sustainable Trade Initiative - IDH -
IDH reportage about a KTDA Farmer Field School in Kenya.
Production system: Estimulantes y especies

Farmer Field Schools as a Springboard for Enhanced Uptake of New Agricultural Technologies. Lessons for Tanzania

Estudio de caso

2013 - Tanzania Journal of Agricultural Sciences - Z. S. K. Mvena, A. Z. Mattee, R. M. Wambura, D. L. Mwaseba, E. A. Lazaro, E. D. Kiranga and D. M. Kilave
The latest approach in enhancing the uptake of agricultural technologies is through the Farmer Field Schools that have only a short history in Tanzania.The paper reviews FFS and gives a brief presentation of the history of FFS in Tanzania. The paper then makes an assessment of the effectiveness of the approach [...]
Production system:

Supporting communities in building resilience through Agro-Pastoral Field Schools (APFS)

Estudio de caso

2013 - FAO - James Robert Okoth, Winfred Nalyongo, Monica Petri and Thomas Ameny
The ecosystem-based Farmer Field Schools (FFS) approach provides an excellent platform that is flexible and responsive to meeting the requisite tailored skills of the farmers. As pastoralists cover large parts of Africa, are especially vulnerable to food insecurity, climatic changes, and often do not receive specific programmes of education, the [...]
Production system: Cultivo, Ganadería

Adapting agriculture to climate change in Kenya: Household strategies and determinants

Documentos técnicos de referencia

2012 - Journal of Environmental Management - Elizabeth Bryan, Claudia Ringler, Barrack Okoba, Carla Roncoli, Silvia Silvestri, Mario Herrero
Countries in Sub-Saharan Africa are particularly vulnerable to climate change, given dependence on agricultural production and limited adaptive capacity. Based on farm household and Participatory Rural Appraisal data collected from districts in various agroecological zones in Kenya, this paper examines farmers’ perceptions of climate change, ongoing adaptation measures, and factors [...]
Production system:

Less Noise in the Household: the Impact of Farmer Field Schools on Gender Relations

Estudio de impacto

2012 - Journal of Research in Peace, Gender and Development - Esbern Friis-Hansen, Deborah Duveskog and Edward W. Taylor
The study examines the impact of collective action in Kenyan Farmer Field School groups on household gender equity. Qualitative fieldwork reveal significant changes in household division of labour and decision-making; in gendered customs and traditions, and in men’s work ethics and their view of women. To understand how the participatory [...]
Production system:

Institutionalising Farmer Field Schools (FFS) in Uganda

Material audiovisual

2012 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) -
Farmer Field Schools' Master Trainers' course for Northern Uganda. In response to the pronouncement that Government programmes adopt Farmer Field Schools by His Excellency, the President of the Republic of Uganda Yoweri Kaguta Museveni in 2008, FAO trained 21 frontline Government extension staff from Northern Uganda in the methodology. Graduated [...]
Production system:

Sustainable Tea Production: an Assessment of Farmer Field Schools in Kenya

Estudio de impacto

2012 - LEI - Sabine Hiller, Davies D. Onduru, André de Jager
Farmers who participated in both Rainforest Alliance (RA) training and Farmer Field School (FFS) training had the highest increase in knowledge of GAPs between 2010 and 2012, followed by farmers who participated only in the RA training. Farmers trained for RA certification also had a significantly higher knowledge level in 2012 than the other [...]
Production system: Estimulantes y especies

Community Mobilization: a Key to Effective Control of Banana Xanthomonas Wilt

Estudio de impacto

2012 - Journal of Development and Agricultural Economics - Kubiriba J., Karamura E. B., Jogo, W., Tushemereirwe W. K. and Tinzaara W.
Banana xanthomonas wilt (BXW) remains a major threat to banana, an important food and income crop for 12 million poor small-holder farmers in Uganda. Although, BXW has been controlled to some extent in parts of South-western Uganda, it is still a big problem in banana growing areas of Central and [...]
Production system: Frutas y Nueces

Améliorer la production du riz irrigué dans la Vallée du Fleuve Sénégal à travers l’innovation et l’apprentissage par l’expérience

Estudio de caso

2012 - FAO - Timothy J. Krupnik, Carol Shennan , William H. Settle , Matty Demont, Alassane B. Ndiaye, Jonne Rodenburg
La recherche facilitant la collaboration entre paysans et chercheurs et l’apprentissage par l’expérience peut fournir l’élément manquant pour adapter les recommandations de gestion des cultures aux besoins des paysans. Nous avons testé différents systèmes de gestion de la culture de riz irriguée pendant trois saisons d’expérimentation de recherche adaptative dans trois sites de la Moyenne Vallée [...]
Production system: Cultivo


Material de capacitación

Ce guide pratique a été préparé pour aider les groupes d’agriculteurs producteurs de semences riz à améliorer la qualité des semences qu’ils vont produire. Il se veut une contribution à l’amélioration de la production rizicole au Mali. Le guide pratique est à la fois un ouvrage d’information et de formation qui explique en [...]
Production system: Cultivo