Plataforma Global de las Escuelas de Campo de Agricultores
Number of documents: 106

L’approche Champ-Ecole paysanne (CEP) : une méthode de recherche-action impliquant davantage les producteurs ruraux dans la maitrise et l’amélioration de leur système de production. L’exemple des CEP du Kasaï occidental/R.D.Congo

Estudio de caso

2010 - Innovation and Sustainable Development in Agriculture and Food - Grégoire Ngalamulume Tshiebue
Les dix champs-écoles pilotes installés au Kasaï occidental en 2003 ont permis aux paysans membres d’expérimenter de nouveaux modes de gestion des cultures, et, leurs résultats ont été jugés satisfaisants. L’originalité et la simplicité des procédés utilisés favorisent, non seulement une meilleure appropriation des innovations, mais aussi une participation active [...]
Production system:

Communicating Climate Forecast to Farmers though Climate Field School: Indonesian Experience

Estudio de caso

2010 - Laboratory of Climatology, Department of Geophysics and Meteorology, Bogor Agricultural University/Indramayu Agriculture Office/Asian Disaster Preparedness Centre - Boer, Rizaldi Tamkani, Kusnomo Subbiah, A.R.
Production system:

Integrating meteorological and indigenous knowledge-based seasonal climate forecasts for the agricultural sector. Lessons from participatory action research in Sub-Saharan Africa

Documentos técnicos de referencia

2010 - International Development Research Centre (IDRC) - G. Ziervogel, A. Opere
Climate information is available from two main sources: meteorological seasonal climate forecasts (SCFs) and indigenous knowledge-based seasonal forecasts (IKFs). This information can help farmers and pastoralists manage their crops and livestock to minimize risks during unfavourable seasons and maximize opportunities during favourable conditions. However, exploring the synergies between these two sources of [...]
Production system:

Effect of Integrated Pest Management Farmer Field School (IPMFFS) on Farmers’ Knowledge, Farmers Groups’ Ability, Process of Adoption and Diffusion of IPM in Jember district

Documentos técnicos de referencia

2010 - Journal of Agricultural Extension and Rural Development - Rizal Rustam
This research aims to explore the effect of the integrated pest management farmer field school (IPMFFS) on farmers’ knowledge, farmers groups’ ability, and process of adoption and diffusion of IPM in Jember District, Indonesia. The population of the research was 556 groups of farmers, with 22.240 farmers who are engaged [...]
Production system:

Interactuar para aprender, Aprender para innovar

Información sobre proyectos

2010 - LEISA Magazine -
Diálogo, interacción y aprendizaje son procesos dinámicos en el marco de desarrollo de capacidades. En este contexto, la colaboración entre actores múltiples juega un rol clave y, si bien su aplicación en la región es aún reciente, ya está en curso. Solo nos queda emprender un verdadero ejercicio de colaboración [...]
Production system:

Review of Agricultural Extension in India - Are farmers’ information needs being met?

Documentos técnicos de referencia

2010 - International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) - Claire J. Glendenning, Suresh Babu, Kwadwo Asenso-Okyere
This paper aims to ascertain why farmers are not accessing information and where information gaps exist, despite the variety of extension approaches in India. Using information provision and access as the basis for analysis, the paper reviews some of the major agricultural extension programs in India by considering their ability [...]
Production system:

Lessons from the field. Experiences from FAO Climate Change Projects.

Estudio de caso

2010 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) - Claudia Hiepe, Lisen Runsten and Christina Seeberg-Elverfeldt
"Lessons from the field" provides an overview of experiences from 12 projects and programmes across Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean. Each case addresses an aspect of climate change adaptation and mitigation, disaster risk management and food security in the agriculture, forestry and fisheries sectors. The documented experiences range [...]
Production system:

Impact of IPM Extension for Smallholder Farmers in the Tropics

Estudio de impacto

2009 - Springer Science Netherlands - Jeffery W. Bentley
In recent years, IPM extension came to mean FFS (farmer field school). Most studies of FFS pilot projects suggest that IPM helps farmers to lower costs or to increase yields, although the farmers pass on little of their new knowledge to their neighbours, which limits the cost-effectiveness of FFS. Some [...]
Production system:

Effectiveness of Farmer Field School in promoting coffee management practices - the case of Jimma and Sidama zones

Estudio de impacto

2009 - Rural Development and Agricultural Extension, Haramaya University - Babur Damitie Endalew
This study was conducted to determine the effectiveness of the Farmer Field School approach in terms of examining farmers’ selection criteria, their profile and FFS implementation. It was also sought to assess the knowledge, attitude and practice of FFS members and nonmembers regarding coffee management practices with reference to coffee [...]
Production system: Estimulantes y especies