Plateforme mondiale des Champs-Écoles des Producteurs
Number of documents: 19

Integrated Watershed Management and Climate Smart Agriculture: Cambodia

Matériel audiovisuel

2023 - FAO -
This video presents issues facing Cambodian rural farmers and different approaches introduced by the GEF funded project namely Life and Nature. The project aims to improve adaptive capacity of rural communities to impacts of climate change and strengthen ecosystem services to support agriculture and to attain food security. The [...]
Production system:

Farmer Water Schools: A manual for facilitators

Matériel de formation

2021 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) -
The manual highlights the successful adaptation of FWS to groundwater management – FWS. It elaborates the FWS implementation process. It documents the: - Documents the steps in FWS implementation, - Illustrates the FWS curriculum, - Discusses the rationale of various topics in FWS curriculum, - Explains the steps in setting up farmer experiments, and - [...]
Production system: Autres

Discovery-Based Learning in Land and Water Management. A Practical Guide for Farmer Field Schools

Matériel de formation

2017 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
The guide results from the accumulated lessons of many resource persons in many countries on supporting farmer field schools (FFS) in learning and adaptive management for sustainable land and water management. FAO supported the capacity development process through field projects and the field work that underlies the guide was conducted [...]
Production system:

Report of the Knowledge exchange on the promotion of efficient rice farming practices, Farmer Field School curriculum development and value chains

Documents techniques de référence

2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
A total of 33 participants (10 women) participated in the Regional Rice Initiative – Workshop cum Study Tour on knowledge exchange on Farmer Field School curriculum development for promotion of efficient rice farming practices and value chains. Field visits were made to Sleman (Rice-Fish farming and “jajar legowo”) and Boyalali [...]
Production system: Céréales, Aquaculture, Pêche

Manual of seaweed production and field guide of discovery-based exercises for Farmer Field Schools

Matériel de formation

2014 - Peace and Equity Foundation (PEF); Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) -
This manual-field guide is a compilation of recent developments, current practices, and success accounts in implementing integrated cultural management on seaweed production. We involved as many stakeholders as was possible in collating and compiling these notable achievements for use by seaweed farmers and other seaweed production practitioners. Thus, this manual-field [...]
Production system: Aquaculture, Pêche

Save & Grow: Integrating Rice, Fish and Aquatic Biodiversity

Informations sur des projets

2013 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) -
The Regional Rice Initiative (RRI), a pilot of the Strategic Objective 2 “Sustainable Management of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries” of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, is designed to focus on the importance of goods and services produced by and available from rice ecosystems, and to identify [...]
Production system: Céréales, Aquaculture

Can aquaculture benefit the extreme poor? A case study of landless and socially marginalized Adivasi (ethnic) communities in Bangladesh

Étude de cas

2013 - Aquaculture - Jharendu Pant, Benoy Kumar Barman, Khondker Murshed-E-Jahan, Benjamin Belton, Malcolm Beveridge
The Adivasi Fisheries Project, aimed at diversifying livelihood options for resource-poor Adivasi (ethnic) communities in the North and Northwest of Bangladesh, was implemented during 2007–9. Aquaculture and related technologies were introduced to a total of 3594 resource-poor Adivasi households. Baseline and end-line surveys were applied to assess the changes in [...]
Production system: Aquaculture, Pêche

On-farm Practices for the Safe Use of Wastewater in Urban and Peri-urban Horticulture

Matériel de formation

2012 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) - Robert Abaidoo, Ben Keraita, James Akatse, Ben Keraita, Modeste Kinane, Collins K. Osei, Javier Mateo-Sagasta, Ines Beernaerts, Sasha Koo-Oshima, Anthony Youdeowei, Marjon Fredrix, Paul Neate, K.G. Ato de GraftJohnson, Paolo Mander, James Morgan, Pay Drec
Production system: Autres

Sustainable Land Management in Practice. Guideline and Best Practices for Sub-Saharan Africa. Field Application

Matériel de formation

2011 - TerrAfrica, World Overview of Conservation Approaches and Technologies (WOCAT) and Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) - Hanspeter Liniger, Rima Mekdaschi Studer, Christine Hauert, Mats Gurtner
Production of guidelines for best sustainable land management (SLM) technologies and approaches in SubSaharan Africa (SSA) has been part of TerrAfrica’s programme during 2009-2010. These guidelines and case studies are intended to help create a framework for investment related to SLM in SSA. The particular aim of these guidelines is [...]
Production system:

Farmer Field Schools on land and water management in Africa

Documents techniques de référence

2006 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) -
Proceedings of an international workshop in Jinja, Uganda, 24–29 April 2006. This publication is the coordinated work of the Land and Water Division of FAO, the Agricultural Economics Institute of Wageningen Agricultural University and Research Centre (LEI/WUR), Environment Alert, and other partners. It was produced as part of FAO’s Land and [...]
Production system:
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