Plateforme mondiale des Champs-Écoles des Producteurs
Number of documents: 43

Las Escuelas de Campo del MAP - diálogo de saberes hacia el empoderamiento de las familias rurales

Informations sur des projets

2012 - The Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center (CATIE) - Felicia Ramírez Agüero, Isabel A. Gutiérrez-Montes, Patricia Bartol
El Programa Agroambiental Mesoamericano (MAP, por sus siglas en inglés Mesoamerican Agroenvironmental Program) del CATIE es una ambiciosa plataforma intersectorial cuyo fin es mejroar el bienestar en las áreas rurales de Mesoamérica. Con el apoyo de los gobiernos de Noruega, Suecia y Finlandia, el MAP trabaja de manera integrada y coordinada [...]
Production system:

The Empowerment Route to Well-Being: an Analysis of Farmer Field Schools in East Africa

Documents clés sur les CEP

2011 - World Development - Esbern Friis-Hansen, Deborah Duveskog
The study explores empowerment and well-being related outcomes of Farmer Field Schools (FFS), an extension approach that has gained popularity with agriculture development programs in many African countries. This is done by examining the empirical relationships between FFS participation and increased well-being; as well as FFS participation and empowerment; and [...]
Production system:

Food safety manual for Farmer Field Schools. A Training Reference Guide on Food Safety in Global FFS Programmes

Matériel de formation

2010 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) - Catherine Bessy, Marjon Fredrix, Alfredo Impiglia, Almalinda Morales-Abubakar, Jan Ketelaar, Anne-Sophie Poisot, Areepan Upanisakorn and Harry van der Wulp
Farmer Field Schools have proven to be a very effective method of incorporating food safety aspects into farming practices. This manual is a reference guide for the inclusion of food safety aspects in Farmer Field School (FFS) programmes. Health (consumer protection) is the main entry point for food safety in [...]
Production system:

Reducing the incidence of acute pesticide poisoning by educating farmers on Intergrated Pest Management in South India

Étude de cas

2009 - Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health - FRANCESCA MANCINI, JANICE L. S. JIGGINS, MICHAEL O’MALLEY
Sixty-five farmers reported on pesticide use and the signs and symptoms of acute pesticide poisoning when using two different plant protection strategies: in 2003 using chemical controls and in 2004 using an approach to Integrated Pest Management (IPM) based on an ecological analysis of the field conditions. Exposure to organophosphates was [...]
Production system:

The Happy IPM Farmer

Étude de cas

2008 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) -
Production system:

Learning through Farmer Field Schools: a Case Study of the Taita Hills, Kenya

Étude de cas

2008 - Natural Ressources Institute - Dina Najjar
Production system:

Village poultry, food security and HIV / AIDS mitigation

Étude de cas

2008 - LEISA Magazine - Robyn Alders , Robyn Alders , Brigitte Bagnol , Mohamed Harun , Mary Young
Production system: Volailles

Reducing Vector-Borne Disease by Empowering Farmers in Integrated Vector Management

Étude de cas

2007 - Bull World Health Organ - Henk van den Berg, Alexander von Hildebrand, Vaithilingam Ragunathan and Pradeep K Dasd
Production system:

Cultural Encounters: Learning from Cross-Disciplinary Science and Development Practice over Ecosystem Health

Documents techniques de référence

2007 - Development in Practice - Stephen Sherwood, Donald Cole, Charles Crissman
Overcoming challenges to ecosystem health calls for breaking down disciplinary and professional barriers. Through reflection on a research and development project to address pesticide-related concerns in northern Ecuador, this article presents challenges encountered and accommodations made, ranging from staff recruitment, through baseline assessments and community education activities, to mobilising for [...]
Production system:

Reducing vector-borne disease by empowering farmers in integrated vector management

Documents techniques de référence

2007 - Bulletin of the World Health Organization - Henk van den Berg, Alexander von Hildebrand, Vaithilingam Ragunathan & Pradeep K Das
Malaria and other vector-borne diseases are a major public health problem in WHO’s South-East Asia Region. In the wake of increasing resistance to both drugs and pesticides, there is a need to establish integrated vector management strategies that are less reliant on chemical methods of disease control. These strategies should [...]
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